by - suryansh thakur
We have seen some pretty intense rivalries between the fighters over the course of their career. Despite all the hate, the love for MMA unites everyone who steps inside the octagon, and here are five pairs who shook hands and left all their differences inside the octagon.
In 2010, the pair met for the first time for the UFC middleweight championship fight and Sonnen mocked Silva throughout the press conference. In the fight, Silva finished Sonnen via triangle armbar. Both had the opportunity to fight again in two years which Sonnen lost via TKO. However, over the years both the legends of UFC have settled their rivalry and now are on good terms.
5. Chael Sonnen and Anderson Silva
Georges St-Pierre came back from retirement after four years to fight the then middleweight Michael Bisping. During the build-up to that fight, Bisping and GSP participated in a lot of trash talking and Bisping accused St-Pierre of using steroids too. Later, GSP won the fight. Since then both the fighters have met each other several times and have shown nothing but respect for each other.
4. Georges St-Pierre and Michael Bisping
The pair first fought in 2016, Johnson got the win via TKO. But the second time they fought for the flyweight title, Cejudo took his revenge and shocked the world by defeating Johnson via split decision. After their rivalry came to an end, both are now very good friends and also have done YouTube videos together.
3. Demetrious Johnson and Henry Cejudo
Bisping vs Rockhold’s rivalry is often considered among the greatest rivalries of the UFC. From trash talking to going on a war inside the octagon the rivalry had everything fight fans could ever ask for. However recently, the pair dissolved their beef and became good friends.
2. Michael Bisping and Luke Rockhold
Building up to their fight at UFC 158, both shared a level of animosity and GSP called Diaz, a bad guy who deserves to get punished. Diaz also mocked GSP and UFC for framing him as the villain in the fight. It's been years since that happened and both the fighters have already forgotten the rivalry. At UFC 266, at Diaz's UFC comeback after five years, GSP and he shook hands with respect.
1. Nick Diaz and Georges St-Pierre