8 Biggest Moments of The Miz career so far

8. Winning the United States Championship  The Miz has won the WWE United States Championship twice in his career, the first time being a significant accomplishment for him.

7. Winning the Intercontinental Champion The Miz is a former Intercontinental Champion, and winning the championship for the first time was a very meaningful occasion for him.

6. First ever Mixed match challenge winner In 2018, The Miz teamed up with Asuka to win the first-ever Mixed Gender Tag Team Match Tournament.

5. The TalkSmack promo The Miz gave the biggest promo of his career against Daniel Bryan, demonstrating his peak mic ability in this TalkSmack promo.

4. Winning the Tag Team Championships with John Morrison The Miz and John Morrison were a phenomenal tag team, winning the tag team championship twice.

3. Winning the Money in The Bank contract The Miz has worked hard in the organization and has won the entire Money in The Bank contract by winning the entire ladder match.

2. Winning  the WWE Championship  The Miz won the WWE Championship for the second time in his career after cashing in his second MITB contract on Drew McIntyre.

1. Winning the WWE Championship for the first time The Miz won the WWE Championship for the first time in his career after cashing in his first MITB contract on Randy Orton.

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