B Site announce last NA Ignition series Tournament

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With the increasing growth of VALORANT in NA with the past tournaments and the growing rivalry between TSM and Sentinels will give us the final opportunity to see these two teams collide, thanks to the latest announcement by B Site.
B Site, known as the first global esports media company to be owned and run by team organizations, announced Pop Flash, the fourth and final Ignition Series tournament for the North American region with a $50,000 prize pool.
The competition is going to be produced in association with FACE-IT, and will start from August 26th to 30th.
Pop Flash will feature the founding members of B Site, which are Cloud9, Dignitas, Envy, and Gen.G Esports.
Also Immortals, Sentinels, T1, and TSM have been invited to the tournament.
The 8 participating teams will be split into 2 groups of four, to play 3 days of group stage, with the top 2 teams in each group qualifying to the playoffs.
The final 4 teams will go head-to-head in a double elimination bracket format to determine the winner and champion of the final Ignition Series tournament of North America.
Pop Flash will be hosted and casted by Christine “Potter” Chi, Alex “Mauisnake” Ellenberg, Daniel “ddk” Kapadia, and Erik “DoA” Lonnquist, with additional talent to be announced.
All the action will be live streamed on Flashpoint’s Twitch and YouTube channels.
(65 Articles Published)