Best attachments in PUBG Mobile for AKM, UMP-45, and SCAR-L.

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The widely played battle royale game, PUBG Mobile comes with variety of options to customise moat weapons. The game offers wide range of firearms and many attachments to adjust with the conditions.
Attachments are the weapon accessories that can be used to modify the function and performance of weapons. Some of the commonly used attachments in PUBG Mobile are Muzzle, Lower Rail, and Upper Rail. Since there are so many options available, one may get confused about which one to pick.
Here are some of the best attachments respectively needed for AKM, UMP-45 & SCAR-L

The AKM is a widely used assualt rifle with a quite good hit damage. The weapon uses 7.62mm ammo with a 30-round magazine. But the gun has a high recoil. However, using a compensator as muzzle attachment its can be stopped.
Using another attachment, extended quickdraw mag, the AKM has a 40-round magazine with a speedy reload time. The scopes doesn’t matter a lot with this weapon but a 4x or 6x hits a best spot.
UMP- 45

The UMP-45 is also one of the most used SMG weapons in PUBG Mobile after AKM. It gives the greatest hit damage and is a reliable weapon for short distances. For muzzle, players can use either a suppressor or a flash hider.
The extended mag is also the best for it. As of scope, holosight is the best. The best lower rail attachment for the UMP-45 is the angled foregrip, since the gun lacks recoil.

SCAR-L is a very good, reliable, and consistent assault rifle best suitable for mid-ranges. Though it has low damage, the weapon comes with less recoil and a decent average fire rate. A compensator is good for the weapon and makes it easier to use. The extended quickdraw mag increases the magazine size from 30 to 40 rounds.
As of lower rail attachment, the half grip is the best. It reduces the horizontal and vertical recoil of the gun. The 4x scope is the best attachment for this weapon.
Also Read: Simple ways to reduce ping in PUBG Mobile
Zahid Rashid
(131 Articles Published)