Garena Free Fire: New M21 Woodpecker Gun in Free Fire

Garena Free Fire: New M21 Woodpecker Gun in Free Fire

Free Fire is adding more weapons to its collection to give more options to players.

The M21 gun is a Para rifle which can be used as an assault rifle come sniper. The developers are coming with new guns nowadays.

About the New M21 Woodpecker:

M21 is an upgrade of the M14 design, M21 is an American Brand. Aims for more power and piercing ability. It does not have very long-range damage but deals with high damage in the near range.

Can deal damage of 85 more than that of M14 which deals only 77 damage. It has a whopping 75 Armor-piercing.

Rate of Fire39
Reload Speed48
Movement Speed62
Armour Penetration75

 Attachments: Muzzle, Silencer, Foregrip, Magazine and stock.


  • It can deal high damage at a very short range or mid ranges. Perhaps one tap to head and two taps to body.
  • It has an inbuilt scope of 4x
  • Highest damage dealing Para rifle gun in game.


  • It reduces movement speed during intense gunfights.
  • Cannot deal very good damage at long ranges
  • It cannot balance very well without attachments.

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