Immortals release Bjor and sign diceyzx

Immortals release Bjor and sign diceyzx



Immortals have signed Quan “diceyzx” Tran will replace Joseph “Bjor” Bjorklund in the roster and the org has confirmed the release of Bjor.

Immortals is one of the known organization that entered VALORANT back in May

With signings of Yannick “KOLER” BlanchetteAmgalan “Genghsta” NemekhbayarNoah “jcStani” Smith, and Joseph “Bjor” Bjorklund.

They followed by signing  Peter “Asuna” Mazuryk in June, who is currently one of North America’s best prodigies.

Since early August, diceyzx has been standing in for Immortals in place of Bjor and with good performances with top 4 placements at the last 2 tournaments.

Immortals have confirmed his stay to be permanent.

Bjor was originally Immortal’s main Sage main, shifting to Cypher when they were undergoing performance struggles in early July.

While he maintained a 0.97 KD and 182 ACS, the change wasn’t enough for Immortals to make deep playoff runs, and the squad decided to separate from Bjor.

Diceyzx joined Immortals as a stand-in after impressive performances with Prospects, with his final series fittingly being a full 3 map thriller against Immortals.

Since joining, diceyzx has been mainly focusing on his Jett play, averaging a great 220 Average Combat Score.

Immortal’s Roster:

Peter “Asuna” Mazuryk
Yannick “KOLER” Blanchette
Amgalan “Genghsta” Nemekhbayar
Noah “jcStani” Smith
Quan “diceyzx” Tran