Rafael Nadal says “Roger Federer is one of the greatest men in the history”

Roger Federer Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are two men who have taken tennis to the next level. Each has 20 Grand slam titles to their name and have played each other 40 times in their career. The duo shares a close bond even off the court. While at interviews, they share opinions about the other and praise their rival for their accomplishments.
At a recent interview, Nadal has expressed his rapport with Federer. It was through some tricky questions that Rafa mentioned who is more talented of the two and how their relationship has been over the years.
Each of us has our own talent: Nadal

If we compare the two, Roger has a game style that is more technique based, as per Rafa’s uncle Toni Nadal. Meanwhile, Rafa grinds on the court, running and returning every single ball, not too keen on the technique. Amongst the duo, critics have called Roger the more talented one, but Rafa has disagreed.
”Each of us has our own talent. It’s easy for someone; others know how to hold out longer in the field. She may have the talent to write a good article in half an hour; but if a colleague of yours can work six hours in a row and get a great article out, he’ll be a more talented journalist than you,” says Rafa.
Rafa has spoken highly of Roger and called him, the greatest athlete of all time. Roger and Rafa have played 40 times and Rafa leads the head to head 24-16.
“Roger Federer is one of the greatest men in the history of sport. He is another team. He was my great rival; and that has benefited both of us, and a little bit of tennis as well. We’ve divided a stretch of life. In some things we look alike: we care about tranquility, family. In others we are different,”
The Spaniard has compared and contrasted the various aspects that make them similar. He also mentioned that Roger’s rivalry with him has made Rafa improve his game.
Jagriti Choudhry
(329 Articles Published)