Players accuse Valorant of copying Chamber agent from Fortnite Midas

Players accuse Valorant of copying Chamber agent from Fortnite Midas: Valorant and Fortnite are video games of very different genres. While Fornite offers modes like Battle Royale and Creative, Valorant is a 5v5 tactical FPS shooter game. But both games offer agents and recently there has been a clash over one of the agents from Valorant that has been released recently. Fortnite players have started accusing Valorant of blatantly copying the new agent Chamber’s concept from an existing character in Fortnite, named Midas. The article talks about the recent controversy among two popular video games players that has led to accusations of copying character concepts.

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Valorant accused of copying Chamber agent from Fortnite Midas
Very recently, a new agent teaser was released by RIOT Games on Youtube, introducing a new agent for the game. Since then, Twitter has blown up with accusations from Fortnite players that the concept of the character has been copied from one of Fortnite’s characters named Midas.
This is not the first instance of friction between the players of these two video games, and there have been clashes earlier caused by the same controversy where Fornite players accused Valorant of copying Phoenix from an extra style of a character named Voyage. “They aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they copied fn”, one person tweeted.

Chamber may be revealed at any time during Act 3 Episode 3 of Valorant and has already been delayed, so there might not be any chances of changing the character’s designs further. Moreover, players also think that KAY/O from valorant is yet again a copy of Foundation, a robot character in Fortnite. “Reminds me of that Foundation Carbon copy with his Zero Point ability lmao” players commented.

However superficial it may seem, at the end of the day two games can have robot agents or characters who dress suade and like gold. “See games literally have characters that look like each other so I think it’s about time epic added in Gemini And stop worrying about that it possibly kind of looks like another skin from another game” as one player correctly remarked.
Also Read: Valorant Deadeye Abilities: New Agent 16 teaser by RIOT, explained gameplay.
Shirin Akhtar
(1824 Articles Published)