Top 8 video games you MUST play at least once

Top 8 video games you MUST play at least once

By Anushka Mohanta

8) DOOM 1993- This game served as a foundation base to the FPS genre games as DOOM was way ahead of its time, due to its gameplay, simplicity and its soundtrack that provided a realistic experience.

7) THE LAST OF US- Even though the franchise's sequel might have divided fans, the original version was undoubtedly exceptional. The game's story and graphics was highly appreciated by the critics as well as the players.

6) POKEMON GOLD AND SILVER- This game released in 2000 added many Pokemons to the original franchise that felt incredibly exciting. Several other features were also introduced which showed why this is one of the perfect video game sequels.

5) MINECRAFT- Released in 2011, the game celebrates a decade of its release. It remains equally popular till this date as it introduced a new genre of video gaming where players show their immense creativity and imagination.

4) THE WITCHER 3 WILD HUNT- The 2015 game has released a lot of new updates now but players are hooked to the original version due to its gripping storyline, realistic characters and more.

3) SUPER MARIO BROS 3- Super Mario is one of the most iconic franchises as we bet to say that every player has played this game at least once. moving forward and escaping enemies while collecting coins simultaneously, this is one of the most addictive games of all time.

2) GTA SAN ANDREAS- Rockstar Games has released multiple gta franchises in the video gaming industry but san andreas remains at the top till date due to its brilliant soundtrack, characterization and more.

1) THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME- Ocarina of time is one of the most iconic franchise which is why every player should try the game at least once. The Legend of Zelda series became an inspiration to many current adventure RPGs in the market right now.