Top 8 best assault rifles (AR) in Call of Duty Warzone 2

Top 8 best assault rifles (AR) in Call of Duty Warzone 2

By Anushka Mohanta

The KG M40 weapon in Call of Duty Warzone 2 not only boasts the highest damage numbers in the game but also the most accurate firing at enemies. Even though it has received a couple of nerfs, the weapon remains quite strong in this meta. 

7) The Nikita AVT weapon is ranked at the 7th position in COD Warzone 2. It was highly powerful during the Season 4 Reloaded, but now the weapon fares better when its fired off against enemies who are at a mid-range or long-range distance. 

6) The Volkssturmgewehr or Volk, is one of the most versatile weapons in Warzone 2. It not only provides a decent damage against enemies at close range and mid range, but also gives a low recoil making it a great support for sniper mains.

5) The STG 44 IS another balanced weapon available in Call of Duty Warzone 2. Players can not only get one of the highest K/D Ratio but also a copmetitive win-rate, which makes this weapon a must use in Call of Duty Warzone 2.

4) Even though GRAU 5.56 got released a long time ago, the weapon's clear ironsight and accuracy makes it compete with all of the new weapons added in the game. Players can attach the Commando Foregrip to get better results from the weapon.

3) The Vargo 52 is considered one of the most sought after weapons in Call of Duty Warzone due to its low recoil and fast bullet velocity. It should be noted here that this weapon fares good in mid-range fighting, players should  therefore build the gun accordingly.

2) The XM4 weapon has a close rivalry with the previoisly mentioned weapon. Although, this weapon makes it further in terms of fan-favorites due to its high damage number at close range combat. 

1) Copper Carbine is one of the most deadly weapon in Call of Duty Warzone. Aggressive players often seek this weapon due to its incredible fire rate and mobility that can easily ward off enemies at close range.