6 countries that have won FIFA World Cup at home

6 countries that have won FIFA World Cup at home

#6 Uruguay Uruguay hosted the first-ever FIFA World Cup in 1930 and also won the tournament in front of their nation.

#5 Italy The second FIFA World Cup took place 4 years later on in 1934. Italy became the second team to host and also win the FIFA World Cup.

#4 England Playing in their home soil and in front of the home fans, England won the  1966 FIFA World Cup

#3 Germany Then divided in two parts, West Germany in the year 1974 became the 4th country to host and win the Golden trophy

#2 Argentina The South American nation defeated the Netherlands 3-1 in the finals of the 1978 FIFA World Cup in their home country.

#1 France France became the latest team to win the FIFA World Cu[ in their home soil in 1998 after defeating Brazil 3-0 in the finals