5 UFC fighters with worst tattoos

by - soumya ranjan

UFC fighters and their tattoos are often talked about a lot because of the value and meaning they hold in their lives and careers. Some fighters get inked to showcase their culture, while others get inked to express their interests. However, there have been times when the fighters have gone too far and their tattoos have been unpleasant to the eyes. Here is a list of UFC fighters' worst tattoos.

Brock Lesnar's tattoo of his fist holding a sword, positioned just underneath his neck and going down his body onto his midsection, is one of the most talked about tattoos in the UFC. Fans have previously brutally mocked Brock for this tattoo because of its weird positioning and complicated design.

Conor McGregor’s tattoo of a gorilla eating a heart and the face of a tiger is almost a direct copy of those sported by Canadian model Josh Mario John. Throughout his professional career, however, the tattoo has elicited mixed reactions from fight fans.

Christan Morecraft’s surname tattoo on his belly is inked in a gothic font reminiscent of something that can be found on the WordArt options in Microsoft Word 1997. Reading it is certainly a difficult task for anyone.

Darren Elkin's "The Damage" tattoo has been called horrible by UFC president Dana White in an interview with GQ. While fighters frequently tattoo their nicknames on their bodies,But Elkin's font choice was absurd, and moreover, the "stitching" design made it look horrible.

Another nickname tattoo that makes the worst tattoo list would be that of Joe Rigs. He inked his body with his nickname in a bright green font across his stomach. Dana White again called this tattoo "horrible" in the same interview with GQ.