1000 V-Bucks being handed out to purchasers of Fortnite: Save the World Loot Llama

1000 V-Bucks being handed out to purchasers of Fortnite: Save the World Loot Llama

Fortnite: Save the World is a trending shooter tower defense survival video game developed and published by Epic Games. This game is also popular for its in-game features and cosmetics. On the other hand, the players have to purchase them using real currency and resources earned as mission rewards, from Llama loot boxes. This article elaborates on the recent official announcement made by officials regarding the Loot Llama in Fortnite: Save the World.

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1000 V-bucks to purchasers of Loot Llama in Fortnite

The Loot Llama is a loot lash available in Fortnite: Save the World. As the name suggests, players can obtain random loot by opening them through interaction for 8 seconds or by breaking them. Furthermore, the Loot Llama guarantees 10 stacks of each ammo (except rockets), 350 (in quantity) of each resource (Wood, Stone, Metal), 3 stacks of utility/consumable items and 3 traps.

The Fortnite officials, through their website and other social media platforms, had announced that they will be dropping 1000 V-bucks to the purchasers of the loot boxes. Also, Fortnite had earlier made moves to remove the Loot Llama, opting for X-Ray Llamas instead. This reward is in response to the class action settlement. Although the settlement made was regarding U.S players at first, they have decided to drop the V-bucks globally. The 1000 V-bucks will be added to the player’s account in the next few days. This was all about the Loot Llama in Fortnite: Save the World.

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