3 Reasons Why DJ Alok is So OP in Free Fire

3 Reasons Why DJ Alok is So OP in Free Fire

Free Fire has a total of 35 in-game characters to choose from. Amongst them, DJ Alok is arguably one of the most popular faces in the game. DJ Alok was brought to the game as a part of the official collaboration with the popular Brazilian musician Alok Petrillo. This was one of the first grand collaborations in the popular battle royale game. Ever since his arrival into the game, DJ Alok has created a huge impact. This article lists out the reasons why DJ Alok is an OP character in Free Fire.

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3 Reasons why DJ Alok is an OP character in Free Fire

DJ Alok is one of the most admired characters in Free Fire. He has an active ability called “Drop the Beat”. On activation of the skill, it creates a 5m aura, which increases ally movement speed by 10% and provides 5 HP for 5 seconds. At the maximum level, it creates a 5m aura that increases the ally movement speed by 15% and restores 5 HP for 10 seconds. 

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1. Restores HP

dj alok skill

One of the highlight abilities of DJ Alok is that it restores the lost HP on activation of the skill. It increases the user’s HP and acts as an unlimited source of healing. With DJ Alok, players no longer need to carry many medkits in their backpack. It also has a lower cooldown time and players can use the ability in both modes of the game.

2. Movement Speed

Another reason why DJ Alok is a top character is that the character produces a dual impact. Likewise, on activation of the skill, players gain an additional movement speed. His skill increases the movement speed by up to 15%. This can also prove to be an effective skill to rush on enemies. With DJ Alok, players can easily rush on any buildings or towers.

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3. Healing of allies

The skill is not only capable of increasing the user’s HP but also restores the HP of their squadmates as well. However, players must make sure to be within a 5m range so as to gain the benefit of the skill. This is most efficient when your allies run out of medkits and need your help. This character is available for 599 diamonds in the character section under Stores. This was all about the reasons why DJ Alok is an OP character in Free Fire.

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