All Shotgun Location In Resident Evil Village

All Shotgun Location In Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil village

Resident Evil Village is the latest addition to the series of the thriller and action-packed game series of Resident Evil. The game has many in-game collectibles, puzzles and weapons. One such useful weapon is the shotgun. As you never know from where the horde of monsters might attack next.

There are only three types of shotguns available to players in Resident Evil Village. M1897, W870 TAC and SVG-12 are the only available shotguns which can be obtained at diffrent shotgun location in the game. Here we will discuss all shotgun location in Resident Evil Village.

Shotgun Location In Resident Evil Village

shotgun location in resident evil village
Shotgun Location In Resident Evil Village

Players should note that although all three of these shotguns become available in the Duke’s shop after reaching the respective stages in the game, the M1897 and W870 TAC can also be obtained for free from the available in-game loot. Although, SVG-12 can only be purchased from Duke’s shop in-game.


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Players can obtain the M1897 during the early stages of Resident Evil Village when they are facing off against the first monster that appears in the game. The shotgun can be found on the dining table inside the house that has two monsters perched on top of it in East Old Town.

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W870 TAC

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After defeating the doll inside House Beneviento, players will need to look for the W870 TAC shotgun inside the tiny house located on the left of the path that leads back to the village.

You should also take a note that if they miss out on collecting these shotguns in the game, they can always purchase them from the Duke’s shop in Resident Evil Village. The only automatic shotgun in Resident Evil Village, the SVG-12, can be obtained by purchasing it from the Duke’s shop. But one should know this to purchase SVG-12 from the Duke’s shop players must have cleared Heienberg’s factory. This was all about the shotgun location in resident evil village.

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