Apex Legends Assault Rifles: Worst to Best

Apex Legends Assault Rifles: Worst to Best

Apex Legends Assault Rifles: Worst to Best

Apex Legends is a free-to-play character ability-based shooter game where 60 legendary competitors battle each other for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Best Passive Abilities in Apex Legends gives players an extra edge over opponents. This game is available for a vast number of platforms. You can get this game on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via both Origin and Steam.

Apex Legends Assault Rifles

Apex Legends gives characters an ultimate, tactical, and passive ability that works in tandem to take down an opponent but the guns play the most important role in the Battle Royale. There is a total of 5 Assault Rifles in Apex Legends and some are clearly better than the others.

Here is All the Apex Legends Assault Rifles from worst to the best:

FS Video

5.Hemlok Burst AR

The Hemlok Burst AR is an assault rifle that utilizes Heavy Rounds. It may be switched between a 3-shot burst and single fire modes.

Damage excluding Fortified perk:

 Level 1 Helmet105
 Level 2 Helmet96
 Level 3/4 Helmet90
Hemlok Burst AR - Apex Legends Assault Rifles
Hemlok Burst AR – Apex Legends Assault Rifles

4. G7 Scout

The G7 Scout is a semi-automatic marksman rifle that utilizes Light Rounds.

Damage excluding Fortified perk:

 Level 1 Helmet54
 Level 2 Helmet48
 Level 3/4 Helmet45
G7 Scout - Apex Legends Assault Rifles
G7 Scout – Apex Legends Assault Rifles

3.VK-47 Flatline

The VK-47 Flatline is an assault rifle that utilizes  Heavy Rounds.

Its semi-auto fire mode can be enhanced with the  Anvil Receiver Hop-Up, which increases the single fire damage, but reduces the fire rate and uses 2 ammo per shot.

Damage excluding Fortified perk:

 Level 1 Helmet30
 Level 2 Helmet26
 Level 3/4 Helmet20
VK-47 Flatline - Apex Legends Assault Rifles
VK-47 Flatline – Apex Legends Assault Rifles

2. R-301 Carbine

The R-301 Carbine is an assault rifle that utilizes  Light Rounds.

The R-301 Carbine semi-auto fire profile can be enhanced with the  Anvil Receiver Hop-Up, which increases the single-fire damage, but reduces the fire rate and uses 2 ammo per shot.

Damage excluding Fortified perk:

 Level 1 Helmet23
 Level 2 Helmet20
 Level 3/4 Helmet19
R-301 Carbine - Apex Legends Assault Rifles
R-301 Carbine – Apex Legends Assault Rifles

1.HAVOC Rifle(with Turbocharger)

The HAVOC Rifle is an assault rifle that utilizes  Energy Ammo.

Every time the fire button is pressed, there is a spin-up delay before the weapon starts shooting. The spin-up delay can be removed by equipping a  Turbocharger Hop-Up.

Damage excluding Fortified perk:

 Level 1 Helmet29
 Level 2 Helmet27
 Level 3/4 Helmet25
HAVOC Rifle - Apex Legends Assault Rifles
HAVOC Rifle – Apex Legends Assault Rifles

Download Apex Legends on your PC to enjoy all this guns via Steam and Origin.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Passive Abilities in Apex Legends.