Arn Anderson says this wrestler deserved some more time…

Curtis Axel 13-year stint in WWE came to an end when he was released in April 2020. The legendary Curt Hennig’s son could sadly not live up to his father’s legacy. Arn Anderson provided his insights on Curtis Axel’s WWE career . Arn Anderson and Conrad Thompson reviewed the Fastlane 2016 PPV, which had a match between Curtis Axel and R-Truth. Axel was a part of the Social Outcasts stable.
Anderson believed that a big mistake was made when WWE didn’t let Curtis Axel use his real second name. Anderson felt that Curtis Axel should have been introduced as Joe Hennig. Arn saw no harm in Curtis Axel using his father’s success to draw some hype during the initial days of his WWE run. Anderson said that Curtis Axel was a good worker and could have been packaged much differently for the audience.
“Well, that kid could work. Under any circumstances, he could work. Now, what sounds bigger to you? Joe Hennig or Curtis Axel? Why not let a guy, and that’s the problem with second-generation wrestlers. When you have a dad or a grandad, for that matter and you are third-generation, they have all achieved great things in this business. Why not build on that? Day one, walking out of the gate, this is Joe Hennig, son of Mr. Perfect, and that’s who he is.”
The guy was very talented: Arn Anderson

Anderson explained that WWE might not have seen Curtis Axel as a major Superstar, which hurts a talent’s prospects. If the company doesn’t see someone as a big star, it directly affects the fans’ reactions to the said talent.
Curtis Axel’s alliance with Paul Heyman also didn’t last long.
“Let’s say my dad is John Wayne, and I’m in a cowboy movie, and let’s see how I do. We’re going to have a lot more jumpstart, more interest. That was one of the mistakes because the guy had talent, and he just did, but when you start him as someone else, you are always digging a hole. You let Heyman manage him for what had to be a very short time, right? It’s almost like, in the audience’s mind, ‘Well, Heyman gave up on the guy, the guy must not have all the things that it looks like he had. But the guy was very talented, and you have to bring him in; when you have new talent, you have to bring them in and introduce them as stars.”
Curtis Axel is 41 years old, and he has not wrestled a match since leaving the WWE.
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