Best way to get free permanent SCAR-L gun skin in Garena Free Fire

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The Garena Free Fire is regarded as one of the best battle royale game when talked about gun skins, outfit and availability of characters.
However, attaining these skins and outfits is not easy for newbies as it demands money. As a result, players look for some free ways to get free permanent skins in free fire.
Since it was Free Fire’s 3rd anniversary, it recently introduced a new event which is highly beneficial for players. It can reward players with free SCAR-L Violet Terror skin. Besides that, this skin can be kept forever in the inventory.
Simple steps to get SCAR-L gun skin
•Login to your Free Fire account.
•Go to the events section and click on the ‘Perm Gun Skin’ event.
•Tap on it and get your free rewards.
After that, you have to log in to your account for 28 consecutive days to store SCAR-L gun skin permanently in your account.
Highlights of the event
Event Duration: 5 August – 6 September
Rewards: Scar-Violet Terror, Diamond voucher, UMP-Violet Terror and M104-Violet Terror
The Free Fire players are largely recommended to participate in the given event because of the high rewards it is offering.
Also Read Best ways to get Free Diamonds in Garena Free Fire