Best Ways to Make Any Habit Stick For Long
Best Ways to Make Any Habit Stick For Long
Your life today is essentially the result of your habits and that is why it is important to make any habit stick for long so that it affects your life in a good way.
What you repeatedly do ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray.
Forming a new habit is hard, especially in the beginning, but it is big goals are built on and ith a small amount of initial discipline, you can create that habit which requires little effort to maintain.
Good habits change your life and thus become the foundation that prepares you for each day.
These become a place of solace you can come to after you’ve battled the chaotic world.
They become the light at the end of the tunnel because you know that whatever happens throughout the day, your habits will always be there for you.
If discipline is not there then excuses become routine, and resolutions fade into the background, only to come back to the forefront next new year.
If you feel your discipline waning, here are a few ways to help make any habit stick:
Start Small and Simple
If you have a big goal, like getting a new job, running a marathon or going to the gym five days a week, you need to break your goal down into increments.
Make the habit as tiny as possible. Whatever you think you should do, cut it in half. Then, if possible, cut it in half again.
If you try and do too much, you will most likely fail and destroy your morale. Have patience, start small and build on your progress.
Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. It is easy to get over-motivated and take on too much.
If you wanted to study two hours a day, first make the habit to go for thirty minutes and build on that.
Stay Consistent
The more consistent your habit the easier it will be to stick.
If you want to start exercising, try going at the same time, to the same place for your thirty days.
When cues like time of day, place and circumstances are the same in each case it is easier to stick.
Don’t Sweat Failure
Everyone fails, and at some point you will as well and that is just fine.
Whether you cheat on a diet, skip a work out, fail to send a job application that day or whatever it is, just get back in the saddle tomorrow.
Success is often about not giving up in spite of rejection and failure, so do not lose heart when you experience a set back, keep working.
Keep Track
What gets measured gets managed and that’s why it’s important to keep track.
If you are trying to get a new job, keep track of how many applications you send and how many network connections you make and build on it.
Measuring your progress also helps keep you motivated as you work towards your goal.
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Kanishka Bothra
(59 Articles Published)