Canelo Alvarez aggressively establishes his supremacy with 12-round domination of Gennady Golovkin
Canelo won the opening half of the fight comfortably
Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin have been bonded in eternity. After 36 rounds of Boxing there seems to have been a definitive winner with Canelo nearly dominating from the opening bell to the last.
Age clearly showed on the Kazakh as he was not able to display his former self, creating openings by working behind his jab. Instead this fight saw Canelo Alvarez come out early looking for the KO and throwing all the heavy punches.
Gennady Golovkin would have his commeupance in the later rounds with his showig being particularly better against Canelo Alvarez in since the 9th round. But it was too little, too late regardless.
Controversially the fight though it seemed uneven to the eyes, the judges saw it differently handing out a very generous score to Golovkin who did not build any offense for most of the fight. Had one more round been scored in favour of Golovkin, we would have had another draw on our hands.
Canelo Alvarez Dominates Gennady Golovkin in their trilogy
Round 1
GGG looks on They start at the center with GGG throwing the first jab and landing. They try to establish generalship over the ring and tussle at the center. GGG throws jabs while Canelo is swinging, almost looking for an early KO.Now Canelo has established his presence and is now backing up GGG.
Round 2
Canelo lands a huge lead hook. Golovkin is dead set in the center and lands a few jabs while avoiding Canelo’s heavy hooks. GGG is finding more sucess with his jabs in this round. Canelo lands a heavy hook to the body followed by a over-hand right.GGG walks into a jab by Canelo bt manages to land hs own 1-2 combo as the round comes to a close.
Round 3
Canelo starts foci=ussing on the body and lands two hooks. Canelo is ending all his combos with a body shot. Golovkin’s face is showing signs of the damage but isn’t cut as of yet. Canelo backs up GGG with a flurry. They take the center at the 1 minute mark. The round ends with Canelo ducking under a lead hook by Golovkin
Round 4
Canelo is the more aggressive fighter out of the gate. GGG is managing to evade most of the punches thrown at him but the ones that land back him up. Canelo is landing combinations on Golovkin now starting with a jab and ending with a body hook. Canelo manages to stay out of range for most of Golovkin’s offerrings.
Round 5
GGG lands three straight jabs but Canelo responds with aggression of his own forcing Golovkin to clinch up. It seems like Canelo is the only one pushing forward with GGG content to just responding to the punches thrown his way. Canelo lands a body shot that leads to a slip from Golovkin. Canelo follows this with a heavy over-hand that manages to put the Kazakh on the backfoot.
Round 6
Canelo attempt to land a up-jab. Canelo is relying on his over hand to put out/ contantly connect over GGG. Canelo has landed 25 power punches to Golovkin’s 11. Though Golovkin didn’t get hit much this round, he didn’t build up much offense either. Another round seemingly goes down in Canelo’s favour at the mid-way point of the fight.
Also Read: “Because he has everything” – Canelo Alvarez hopes to follow the footsteps of The Great Muhammad Ali
Round 7
Golovkin looks to be more aggressive coming out this round. Golovkin has started working behind his jab though hes not finidng many connections with the follow-up punches. Canelo lands another power punch to the body. A better round over all for GGG but it would be difficult to confidently give him this round.
Round 8
Canelo is again establishing generalship of the ring. He lands multiple combinations of the 40-year old, whose age is certainly showing compared to their earlier fights. Canelo backs up GGG again witha 3 punch combo. GGG returns with a jab to the body followed by an up-jab. Canelo lands another straight right. GGG backs up Canelo for the first time in many rounds.
Round 9
Canelo has out landed GG to the body 31-6. GGG tries to find an opening but Canelo’s lighting fast hands shut down any openings. Canelo has connected multiple over hand rights. Golovkin lands and backs up Canelo. GGG fails to build up on the opening. GGG is clearly finding the most success this round while evading many of Canelo’s offerrings
Round 10
Golovkin opens up as the aggressor inthis round. Canelo responds with combinations of his own. The two men are looking for a knockout to end it for very different reasons. Canelo now starts building up and halting GGG’s offense. A three-jab combo by Canelo backs up GGG. GGG is still moving ahead with his jabs and responding to Canelo’s offerrings.
Round 11
GGG works on anther triple jab as the two men start trading in the center. Canelo tries to back up Golovkin with an over hands as he evades. Alvarez is now cut on the top of his head. GGG has the center and is now dictating the pace of the fight. They end the round with Canelo throwing another hook to the body.
Round 12
Both men come out looking for the KO. They clinch up andstart throwing immedietly on seperation. Canelo keeps trying to initiate the clinch as GGG gets more frustrated. GGG tries to land punches in the clinch but finds no success. Canelo initiates the clinch everytime GGG is in range. They trade in the center as the final bell rings.
Official Results: 116-112 , 116-113, 116-113
Jerin Mathew
(713 Articles Published)