WATCH: Floyd Mayweather’s father and uncle compete in a hilarious speed contest
A friendly competiton of speed was held between Floyd Mayweather Sr. and brother Jeff Mayweather on their YouTube channel.

Friendly competition between Floyd Mayweather Sr and brother Jeff Mayweather (The Mayweather Experience)
The Mayweather family has long roots in the sport of boxing. In a recent video on The Mayweather Channel, two legends, Floyd Mayweather Sr. and his brother Jeff Mayweather, went head to head in a humourous speed competition.
The Mayweather family is known to be serious and work-oriented most of the time. However, the YouTube channel showcases a more jolly and fun-loving side of theirs. In a recent video, a challenge was put up between two brothers, Floyd Mayweather Sr. and Jeff Mayweather. The challenge was that they had to throw a jab. Therefore, the person who threw it faster or first won the round.

All the viewers thought it would be a cutthroat competition. However, fans forgot that the two legends were no longer in their prime. Both the members of the Mayweather family are long away from their prime versions, with Mayweather Sr. being 71 years old and Jeff being 59.
As the video was not made with serious intentions at the call of ‘go,’ Floyd Mayweather Sr. was repeatedly beaten by his brother. Mayweather Sr. even failed to throw a punch due to a lack of attention or hearing.
This video was just made for entertainment purposes. The brothers held no hard feelings. Moments like this will be cherished by boxing fans worldwide as, one day or the other, we will be left behind with only the memories.
Dispute between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Floyd Mayweather Sr.
Floyd Mayweather Sr. and his son, Floyd Mayweather, have had quite a few clashes of opinions throughout the years. Yet they have stuck together as the family came first.

The Mayweathers are famous public figures. Hence, a private matter such as a father-son dispute enters the public domain. However, the tense relationship between the renowned boxer and his father reached a critical point. HBO cameras vividly documented this clash before Floyd’s 2011 bout against Victor Ortiz. Check out the heated interaction between the father and the son.

Although the two have been through many ups and downs, they have reconciled and fixed their relationship. Therefore, this is what life should be about: diverging and merging paths with the ones you love, leading to the road to success.
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