Legendary Bryce Harper’s Shocking Net Worth!

Bryce Harper
“If you don’t have dreams, you don’t have a life.”
~ Bryce Harper
Bryce Harper, Philadelphia Phillies’ right fielder, is an American, Major Leagues Baseball player. Born on October 16 in Las Vegas, Nevada, he is 29 at present. Not only is Harper the Phillies’ highest paid player, but is additionally anticipated to be one of the highest paid baseball players to compete in MLBs in a long while, or even ever as a matter of fact!
The father of two is highly notified of his masterstroke as an athlete and took a great flight from a very young age! Well, isn’t it obvious that a player so very well renowned, and of course, famed is one to be paid heavily?
The baseball stars hefty net worth is bound to surprise you, and so are his potential, expected contracts! We have got you covered; let’s get digging into Harper’s net worth, endorsements, personal life and more!
Net Worth
He has come with incredible fortune and dedication that he puts into each game that he plays. We can’t deny that he lives a wholesome and rich life together along with his beautiful, small family that we absolutely adore!
Consequently, we have only seen him constantly including zeros to earnings and net worth. Bryce Harper earns a bigger portion of his earning through his salary as a baseball player and endorsements with famed brands such as Under Armour, we shall come to more of that later!
A big turning point and major financial milestone in his career was his record breaking contract with his team, the Philadelphia Phillies. Back in 2019, the right fielder signed an enormous $330 million contract with his team termed for 13 years, which was the richest baseball contract ever signed and the rісhеѕt соntrасt іn thе hіѕtоrу оf Nоrth Аmеrісаn ѕроrtѕ! The mind-blowing contract was also accompanied by a 20 million dollar signing bonus.
If you thought the surprising amount of Bryce’s wealth concludes here, you will, just like we were, be shocked to find out that next contract is expected to make his the richest MLB player, ever! His next deal is expected to command over 400 million, which would sufficiently and easily make the player the wealthiest in his league.
Now, coming to the subject of Harper’s, or Harp’s, as the Phillies call him, net worth is estimated to range above $70 million.
After initially signing with Under Armour in 2011, Harper had agreed to a long-term extension with the sports apparel and footwear emblem back in 2016. It was believed to be the greatest endorsement in the field of baseball of all time at the time of the announcement, and is definitely Harper’s biggest one ever.
In fact, alongside the brand, he got the opportunity to release his very own shoes as well! With a 10-year deal, he is expected to remain loyal to the brand for the foreseeable future.
Bryce has additionally signed deals with brands such as New Era, Topps, Rawling and Johnson & Johnson among others.
Baseball Career
Вrусе Наrреr ѕtаrtеd hіѕ рrоfеѕѕіоnаl bаѕеbаll саrееr іn thе уеаr 22010 whеn hе wаѕ drаftеd tо thе Wаѕhіngtоn Nаtіоnаlѕ аt thе 2010 Мајоr Lеаguе Ваѕеbаll drаft.
Наrреr further bесаmе thе ѕесоnd-уоungеѕt рlауеr іn thе hіѕtоrу tо рlау іn thе Аrіzоnа Fаll Lеаguе and played in other minor leagues such as the Hagerstown Suns as well.
He won the 2010 AFL Championship with Arizona. Не wаѕ аlѕо сhоѕеn tо rерrеѕеnt thе соuntrу іn thе 2011 Аll-Ѕtаr Futurеѕ Gаmе.
Іn 2012, when he became Rookie of the Year, hе wаѕ рrоmоtеd tо thе mајоr lеаguеѕ аnd bесаmе thе уоungеѕt рlауеr tо hоmеr ѕіnсе 1998.
Наrреr fіnіѕhеd thе 2018 ѕеаѕоn wіth а саrееr-hіgh 130 wаlkѕ, 34 hоmе runѕ, аnd 100 RВІѕ. Аftеr thе ѕеаѕоn, hе bесаmе а frее аgеnt, and lаtеr іn 2019, hе ѕіgnеd а соntrасt wіth thе Рhіlаdеlрhіа Рhіllіеѕ.
Relationship & Family
Bryce Harper is happily married to his beautiful, long-time sweetheart Kayla Varner. The couple had been dating since 2012, back when the Philly played for the Washington Nationals; and finally got married on December 16, 2016!
They further went ahead to have 2 adorable little kids, a boy and a girl! The Harper’s had their first child, Krew Aron Harper on August 22nd, 2019, and welcomed their daughter – Brooklyn Elizabeth Harper on in November 2020.
The family now resides in Bryce’s hometown, Philadelphia.