Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG Gun Skin in Free Fire: Now Available in Stores

Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG Gun Skin in Free Fire: Now Available in Stores

Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG gun skin

Free Fire includes a range of gun skins in the game. The game has recently added the Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG gun skin to the store’s section. This skin was previously made available in the weapon royal section of the game. This weapon skin was launched to the game as a part of the blockbuster collaboration with ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’. Here’s to how you can acquire the exclusive Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG from Store.

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Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG Skin Now in Stores

YouTube video

The in-game stores now include a new Weapon crate where players can acquire the legendary gun skin. Cyber Bounty is one of the popular AUG gun skins in Free Fire. Players equip this skin due to its rapid rate of fire and exclusive design as well. Its specifications are mentioned below:

FS Video
Rate of Fire ++

Steps to buy the Bounty Hunter Weapon Crate from Stores

Cyber Bounty Hunter AUG Gun Skin
Cyber Hunter Weapon Crate

Players can follow these simple steps to purchase the gun skin from Free Fire Store’s section:

  1. Firstly, players need to navigate to the Store’s section by clicking on the Stores icon present on the top left side of the lobby.
  2. The next step is to click on the ‘Armory’ category which is located on top of the screen.
  3. The Weapon crate will now appear on top of the list and players can complete the process by clicking on “Purchase”. One weapon crate will cost up to 40 diamonds.
  4. The crates are automatically sent to your in-game vaults where players can open them to obtain the gun skin.

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