GTA Online Doomsday Heist guide: All setups, finale, rewards and more
Doomsday Heist is among the fan-favorite heist that brings a different flavour on the table

Doomsday heist GTA Online (Image via Rockstar Games)
The Doomsday Heist in GTA Online is one of the fan-favourite heists in the game. The heist isn’t a one-and-done deal like the regular heists. Instead, it is played in three different acts. Each act in itself is a large heist mission. The stakes grow for each act as you progress through the Doomsday heist. Each act requires its own preparatory missions, set-up missions and finally, the act’s finale.
The Doomsday Heist in GTA Online was the most ambitious heist in the game when the heist was first released. It was part of the 20th major update released for GTA Online. Despite many new heists popping up, such as the Cayo Perico heist, the Doomsday heist continues to be one of the community’s favourites thanks to the diverse action despite being a moderate way of getting money.

Everything you need to know about the Doomsday Heist in GTA Online
To get started with the Doomsday heist in GTA Online, players will be first required to purchase a Facility. You can purchase facilities from the Maze Bank foreclosure website. The facilities steadily rise in cost depending on their location and customisation. These facilities range from $1.25 million to $2.95 million.

Act I (The Data Breaches)
Parademic Equipment Prep
Your first preparatory mission objective is to steal an ambulance containing paramedic equipment. Police will guard the ambulance. There is no way to avoid fighting them, so take them out quickly. Have one of your crew members drive the ambulance while the rest protects them. You will have to lose the cops before delivering the ambulance, so call Lester as soon as possible.
Dead Courier Setup
Completing the above prep mission will unlock the first setup mission for you. Your team will be split into two. One team is tasked with retrieving a dead agent’s data from the morgue. They will drive to the morgue in the stolen ambulance. You must get in and out of the morgue building without blowing your cover as you retrieve the data.
The second is tasked with getting back their stolen helicopter. After getting the helicopter, you will retrieve team one from the hospital. Get in and follow the chopper to El Burro Heights, where you will have to take out a ton of guards and pick up a briefcase. After that, take the chopper, pick up team one and lose the cops.
Deluxos Prep
This is a reasonably straightforward preparation. You will have to follow a waypoint, kill some guards to get a key, use it to open a garage and steal four Deluxos from it. You will have to make a stop at Los Santos customs to repaint the cars.
Signal Intercepts Setup
You will now be using your Deluxos to hack four target vehicles. You will have to do so while they are moving. The best way to do this is to split up your crew and take one target each. Stay at a safe distance behind the trucks as men inside the vehicle will try to shoot you. Once the hacking is done, you can blow up the truck.
Akula Prep
This prep mission will have you breaking into Fort Zancudo to hack a computer. Regardless of whether you are undetected, the military will attack you once the download starts. The fastest way to escape is to steal an armoured vehicle and plough through the fences. After that, you can steal the helicopter from the airport and deliver it back.
Server Farm Setup
The final setup of Act I will require you to break into the N.O.O.S.E Facility. You have to steal data without getting caught. Use your stealth mode, move slowly, and go in with silent pistols to shoot down cameras. Assassinate guards only when no one is looking, and you should easily be able to take what you want and get out of there.
You can now proceed to the Doomsday Heist Act I finale. Each member of the crew is given a role, so choose carefully. After infiltrating the IAA base, killing the hackers and reaching the war room, the roles will come into play as you take different posts on gun cameras. There are a ton of guards in the facility, so go in with heavy weaponry and a lot of ammo.
Act II (The Bogdan Problem)
Heist Payout
Rockstar Games award you quite heftily for completing the heist. This makes the Doomsday Heist one of the players’ favourites. Like other heists, the crew leader can decide the cut for each crew member. Here is the payout for each act of the heist –
- Act I: $325,000 – $812,500
- Act II: $475,000 – $1,187,500
- Act III: $1,200,000 – $1,500,000
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