“You get bullied by children,” Former WWE Champion calls out CM Punk after he autographed a “CM P**p” sign for young female fans

Drew McIntyre trolls CM Punk for relishing in his own misery.

“You get bullied by children,” Former WWE Champion calls out CM Punk after he autographed a “CM P**p” sign for young female fans

CM Punk [via- WWE]

Ahead of this week’s Raw, CM Punk spotted a couple of kids carrying a “CM P**p” signboard in the backstage area, and he decided to sign it. And guess what? One of the girls donned a Drew McIntyre t-shirt. Putting his differences with the Scot on the back burner, Punk autographed the signboard and clicked pictures with them. However, how could’ve Drew let it sweep under the rugs?

The 38-year-old took to X. He not only claimed that Punk is hurt, old, and got bullied by children, but he borrowed that line from The Best in the World’s notorious AEW All Out media scrum. Back then, the 45-year-old was hellbent on reprimanding the EVPs, Adam “Hangman” Page and Colt Cabana. Punk apologized to the in-house media in case he was overly vituperative. The Chicagoan claimed that he was working with children.

YouTube video

And now, one could argue who has benefitted more than Drew McIntyre due to CM Punk ruffling some feathers in the past. The two men were on the move this week on Raw. The Scottish Warrior was incensed over the fact that the former AEW star was drafted ahead of him. It didn’t take long for Phil Brooks to interrupt his arch-nemesis from a skybox.

You're hurt, you're old, and you get bullied by children
Drew McIntyre on X

As soon as Drew realized that it was a perfect opportunity to nab Punk, he embarked on the chase. Once McIntyre reached where Punk was, the latter was nowhere to be found. Instead, The Straight Edge Superstar made his way out of the entrance area to cut an in-ring promo. He promised to make McIntyre’s life a living hell once he’s medically cleared to compete again.

How far is CM Punk from an in-ring return?

As it was the first thing everyone noticed on Raw, CM Punk seemed to have ditched his robotic arm brace. The last time he wore it was at WrestleMania XL. And it could be argued that the brace played a pivotal role in decapitating Drew McIntyre.

CM Punk
CM Punk (via WWE)

The Iyre-born wrestler was then cashed-in on by Damian Priest to add injury to insult. Last Friday on SmackDown, The Voice of the Voiceless made a non-televised appearance after the show went off air. Punk seemed fit as a fiddle, and he gave an update on his torn triceps.

Even though he said they’re not healed holistically, he’s getting closer. Now that The Scottish Psychopath has re-signed with WWE, it’s only a matter of time in regards to his inevitable clash with The Straight Edge Superstar.

In case you missed it: