How to complete all events in Pokemon Go Tour : Hoenn

Want To Complete The Pokemon Go Tour Hoenn Event, We've Got You Covered.

How to complete all events in Pokemon Go Tour : Hoenn

The Global Pokemon Go Tour Hoenn Has The Game's Fans Buzzing

The Pokemon Go Tour: The Hoenn event has taken the gaming world by storm with its theme of Gen III games, Hoenn Pokemon, and new Primal Pokemon encounters. With a variety of research tasks and rewards available, players must complete the event’s Timed, Special, Field, and Masterwork Research to earn exclusive rewards. In this article, we will take a closer look at the research tasks, rewards, and challenges that players must overcome to complete the Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event.

The event took place in Las Vegas on February 18 and 19 before going global on February 25 and 26. All of the content in the event is themed around the Gen III games, with players able to catch Hoenn Pokemon and encounter new Primal Pokemon. let’s take a closer look at the research tasks, rewards, and challenges that players must overcome to complete the Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event.

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Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event

Image Via Pokemon GO

Special Research: Chasing Legends

The Chasing Legends Special Research has six pages of tasks and rewards. On page one, players must power up their Pokemon 15 times to earn three Incense, five Kyogre Candy, five Groudon Candy, and an Absol encounter. On page two, players must choose between Galpin, Surskit, or Cacnea to determine the Pokemon they encounter. They must then use an Incense, catch five of their chosen Pokemon, catch 10 different species of Pokemon, and earn two Premium Battle Passes, 30 Poke Balls, and five Ultra Balls as a reward.

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Page three requires players to spin 15 PokeStops and Gyms, explore 1km, catch 10 Fire, Grass, or Ground-type Pokemon, and catch a Groudon to earn a Castform (Sunny Form) encounter, 10 Groudon Candy, and 200 Groudon Primal Energy. Page four is similar but requires players to catch 10 Water, Electric, or Bug-type Pokemon, catch a Kyogre, and spin 15 PokeStops and Gyms to earn a Castform (Rainy Form) encounter, 10 Kyogre Candy, and 200 Kyogre Primal Energy.

On page five, players must activate Primal Reversion, defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader, and earn one Charged TM and one Fast TM. Finally, on page six, players must claim their reward, defeat another Team Go Rocket Leader, and earn a Spinda encounter.

Timed Research Tasks,Collection Challenges, and Field Research

Ruby and Sapphire ticket holders can enjoy exclusive timed research tasks in the Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event. To earn a Latios encounter, Great Balls, and XP, players with a Ruby ticket must take a snapshot of Latios in the wild. Meanwhile, players with a Sapphire ticket need to take a snapshot of Latia to earn Latia’s encounter, Great Balls, and XP.

Completing the tasks grants Ruby ticket holders 10 Great Balls and 3,810 XP, while Sapphire ticket holders receive the same rewards for their respective tasks. Players must complete Collection Challenges and Field Research to catch Hoenn Pokemon and encounter new Primal Pokemon. These challenges and research tasks require players to spin PokeStops and Gyms, catch specific types of Pokemon, and complete various objectives to earn rewards.

Exciting Rewards Await Dedicated Players

Complete Primal Surges to earn rewards like Poke Balls, Ultra Balls, Stardust, and encounter Pokemon. Power up Ground-type Pokemon and Water-type Pokemon 5 times for Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip encounters. Win a raid for Pikachu (Brendan Hat) and Pikachu (May Bow) encounters. Complete Masterwork Research for rare rewards and a guaranteed encounter with a Shiny Jirachi.

All Hoenn Pokemon in Pokemon Go will now have their Shiny forms available, including previously missing ones such as Surskit, Masquerain, Gulpin, Swalot, Torkoal, Cacnea, Cacturne, Tropius, Relicanth, Kecleon, and Jirachi. This event marks the arrival of Shiny Jirachi, which is guaranteed to be encountered by players who complete the Masterwork Research.

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Overall, completing all of the research tasks and earning the rewards will require players to dedicate some time and effort to the Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event. But for those who are up for the challenge, there are plenty of exciting rewards to be earned.

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