How to create Bayonetta in Tekken 8?

Want to look as sleek and cool as Bayonetta in Tekken 8? Here's how you can do it

How to create Bayonetta in Tekken 8?

(Image via Bandai Namco)

Tekken 8 has a vast and intricate customization system, a true showcase of how far video games have progressed. Players can easily edit and change the visuals of their favourite characters and create iconic characters from other franchises.

One such character is Bayonetta from the iconic Bayonetta series by SEGA Games. The character is very well known, so truly recreating her to a realistic degree is a little challenging.

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Bayonetta is one of the most iconic and charismatic protagonists in the history of video games. She is a witch with a mysterious past full of turmoil. Moreover, she possesses stunning attacks that defeat even the most formidable and scary opponents.

But worry not—here’s exactly the guide players need to recreate the iconic and influential Bayonetta from the hack-and-slash game.

Bring Bayonetta in Tekken 8

Players must select the Zaffina character in Tekken 8’s roster to create Bayonetta and then purchase the Leo short hair hairstyle from the store to start making her. If players follow the modifications mentioned above, they will have Bayonetta in Tekken 8 in no time.

Bayonetta Tekken 8
Bayonetta Tekken 8( Image via Bandai Namco)

To create a custom character in Tekken 8, players must go to the main menu and select the customization tab. Once here, they must click the character customization option and select a base character. Then, they must choose the Create New option and start customizing.

So here’s how players can create a realistic depiction of Bayonetta:

  • Hair: Leo Short Hair
  • Eyes: Sunflower
  • Eyebrow Color: Black
  • Eye Makeup: None
  • Cheeks: Glamorous
  • Lip Color: None
  • Glasses: Square Glasses
  • Entire Body: TK8 Style (Alternate A)
  • Unique: Astrologer’s Earrings
  • Accessory: Chain Bracelet

Bayonetta is one of the coolest-looking female lead players who can create and play, as in Tekken 8.

The talented developers at Bandai Namco truly outdid themselves with the game’s customization options. Creating Bayonetta is a small part of the customization system; players can make other iconic characters.

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