How to find and use Power Towers in Minecraft Legends

Power Towers in Minecraft Legends and their uses.

How to find and use Power Towers in Minecraft Legends

Power Towers

Mojang’s Studio’s latest installment to the Minecraft series, Minecraft Legends has become loved by fans since its release last week. The real time strategy action game has multiple number of features giving players endless gameplay.

Power Towers in Minecraft Legends are towers built in and around a players base to defend against Piglins or other players in the Overworld. Players are able to build Power Towers in their bases after completing some requirements. Power Towers need to be found across the map of Overworld as you fight against the Piglin hordes. To find and use the Power Towers players must first get the “Collect Power Towers ” improvement at the Well of Fate. This improvement cost 100 stone and 100 prismarine and it allows players to collect towers scattered across the map.

YouTube video

Power Towers are available during Multiplayer PvP but in order to build them one must have first unlocked it in the campaign of Minecraft Legends. The Power Towers are not automatically found in the players songbook but must be found by exploring and collecting them. In order to collect Power Towers, players need to pay a certain amount of resources to unlock it for collection. Once unlocked and collected, the Power Tower is saved to the players songbook allowing them to build it in campaign or multiplayer PvP.

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Building Power Towers in Minecraft Legends

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Even after unlocking and collecting Power Towers from across the Overworld, there is one more step players must follow to build them. In order to start building Power Towers players must first build an Improvement Hub and get the improvement called ” Build Power Tower”. This improvement costs 200 Stone and 120 Prismarine. After this players will be able to build the towers they have already collected to their songbook.

There are 4 types of Power towers players can collect and build. These are:

  1. Frost Tower– It costs 600 Stone and 400 Diamonds to build. The Frost Tower fires frost cubes that slows enemies over time
  2. Blast Tower- It costs 600 Stone and 400 Redstone to build. The Blast Tower fires projectiles at enemies and knocks them back on impact
  3. Stun Tower- It costs 600 Stone and 400 Coal to build. The Stun Tower as the name suggests releases sonic waves stunning the enemies in its range.
  4. Protector Tower- It cost 600 Stone and 400 Iron to build. The Protector Tower destroys enemy projectiles fired on the players base.

Power Towers cannot be be buffed by other structures in Minecraft Legends but can be repaired by the relevant resource used to build the tower.

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