How to get a Riot Gun Buddy in Valorant
Gun Buddies in Valorant is small key chain like cosmetics that you can attach to your guns, and here's how you can get your hands on it.

How to get a Gun Buddy in Valorant
The Riot Gun Buddy is one of the most sought-after cosmetics in Valorant. Owning Gun Buddy is like owning priceless merchandise that sets you apart from the rest. Valorant is full of different cosmetics that players can unlock as they play the game. But getting a Gub Buddy is a different story altogether. It takes a lot of time and effort to unlock one in the game.
Riot Games developers handpick the players who will receive a Gun Buddy. An average player getting one is next to impossible. But if a player meets these following criteria, then the developers may bestow one upon them.
When you are playing Valorant you may get lucky and even come across a dev and you can impress them. But beware do not try any funny business as it may even back fire.
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How to get a Gun Buddy in Valorant

The only possible way one can get a Game Buddy in Valorant is if the developers or an employee choose to give them one as mentioned in a blogpost by Riot. But players should keep one thing in mind: just asking them won’t help your cause. Some may try to message Riot directly about giving them one, but it does not work like that. It may even create a bad rapport between you and the developers. So, outright asking them is out of the question.
The simple criteria for obtaining a Gun Buddy is to be on your best behavior while playing the game. Even if you aren’t great at Valorant, that doesn’t really matter. Just remember one thing: Riot will only provide you with a Game Buddy if one of its employees is watching you play live. Just because your behavior is good and you possess good sportsmanship, that won’t make you eligible for the Gun Buddy. Respect comes from within, so it’s better to be nice to others and not ruin the gameplay. So, be on your best behavior, as who knows when Riot is viewing your gameplay.
Contrary to what many scammers would like you to believe, Riot does not sell Gun Buddies. So, if you come across someone who says they are from Riot Games and want to strike a deal, ignore them. You might be subjected to a scam if that happens. Riot employees are not permitted to sell Gun Buddies.
It is better to play Valorant with the intent of having a good time rather than being rude to your fellow players. Yes, the competitive scene of the FPS genre has grown quite a lot over the past few years and even lower ranked players want to play seriously and this sometimes leads to argument. Instead of arguing it’s better to focus on winning and having camaraderie. These are the qualities of great gamer, and it will not go unnoticed from Riot.
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