How to get the Blasphemous Blade in Elden Ring

The coveted greatsword can be obtained by defeating a powerful boss.

How to get the Blasphemous Blade in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is known for their challenging gameplay and intricate storylines. The game also includes a sprawling variety of powerful weapons. One of the most powerful and useful weapons in the game is the Blasphemous Blade.

The Blasphemous Blade is a formidable greatsword that players can obtain by completing a series of tasks. This article will guide you through the steps needed to acquire this powerful weapon.

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Reach the Altus Plateau

Elden Ring
Credits: Elden Ring

To obtain the Blasphemous Blade greatsword, players must first reach the Altus Plateau, a high mountainous region in Elden Ring. The plateau is home to the Volcano Manor, the base of the Recusants, Tarnished who have turned against their own kind.

Once you’ve reached the Volcano Manor, speak with Tanith, the leader of the Recusants. She will invite you to join the group and provide you with your first task. Accept the invitation and head to the drawing-room where you will find a letter on the table. This letter will contain your assignment, which is to go to Limgrave and defeat a Tarnished named Istvan.

Complete Assignments

Elden Ring
Credits: Elden Ring

After completing your first assignment, you will need to continue accepting tasks from the drawing-room table. These assignments include defeating Rileigh in the north of the Altus Plateau and Juno in the Mountaintops of the Giants. These tasks are not easy, and you will need to be well-equipped and skilled to complete them.

Defeat the Boss

Elden Ring
Credits: Elden Ring

Once you’ve completed all the assignments, Tanith will tell you that you are ready to meet their Lord. Accept her offer, and you will be transported to his location. Here, you will face the boss, the God-Devouring Serpent. Defeating this boss is no easy feat, but it is necessary to move on to the next step.

After defeating the God-Devouring Serpent, you will face Rykert, Lord of Blasphemy. This is a challenging boss fight, but if you manage to defeat Rykert, you will take his Remembrance. Trade in the Remembrance for the Blasphemous Blade With Rykert’s Remembrance in hand, head back to Roundtable Hold and trade it in for the Blasphemous Blade. Congratulations! You have obtained one of the most powerful weapons in Elden Ring.

Obtaining the Blasphemous Blade in Elden Ring is no easy task, but with determination and skill, it is possible. By following these steps, players can acquire this formidable greatsword and take on the toughest enemies in the game.

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