How to solve the encrypted Fortnite Cipher codes

Players can complete a different Cipher Quest each day till Chapter 4 Season 2 drops.

How to solve the encrypted Fortnite Cipher codes

Encrypted Cipher Quests Fortnite

Cipher quests are currently challenging Fortnite players to decode encrypted messages before Season 4 Chapter 1 ends on March 8. The quests offer rewards and completing them requires players to decipher a series of numbers that reveal challenges. These challenges range in difficulty and require players to figure out how to complete them.

While some Cipher quests are presented as typical Fortnite challenges, others require players to solve puzzles to unlock their objectives. These quests will continue into Chapter 4 Season 2 and are important because they may provide clues about what’s next for Fortnite. To help players complete these quests, we’ve created a guide that details all Cipher rewards and challenges in Fortnite. By following our tips, players can successfully complete these quests and earn rewards while preparing for what’s next in the popular battle royale game.

YouTube video

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In Fortnite’s new Cipher quest, players must solve different codes for each challenge. The challenges consist of a string of numbers ( with an unclear translation. Players can solve these challenges by subtracting each number from a code ( tweeted by Fortnite’s official Twitter account before the challenges went live and later deleted.

By translating the resulting numbers into letters, players can spell out a named location on the map, Anvil Square. Players can apply this method to solve the other challenges before the deadline of March 7th. Currently STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 are available.

Cipher Quest Stage 1: Anvil Square

IMG COM 20230301 1359 21 3721
Image Via Fortnite
  1. Log into the game, go to quests
  2. Select Cipher Quests Stage 1
  3. Go to Anvil Square in the MAP
  4. Go to Barn Building on the East Side
  5. Locate the Storage Cabinet beside a rack of tires.
  6. Break the Cabinet, You will enter a secret basement.
  7. Walk down the Stairs and you will find an Interact section on top of a table.
  8. Interact with it to complete Stage 1.

Cipher Quest Stage 2: Splits Bowl

  1. Head over to Faulty Splits in the Map.
  2. Enter the Bowling Alley.
  3. Spray on the Large Graffiti, you will notice a new pre-equipped spray(Distant Roar).


  • Stage 1: 10,000 XP
  • Stage 2: Distant Roar Spray and 10,000 XP

In case you missed it: