League of Legends early 13.08 patch notes: Janna gets a buff and Rakan nerfed
From Alistar getting a big boost to Malphite getting nerfed. here's everything new in the latest League of Legends patch notes.

League of Legends 13.08 patch
Riot Games recently released League of Legends patch notes 13.08. In this new update, Riot made changes to several champions. The update will drop next week, so get ready to get used to the new changes.
Some of the biggest changes that Riot made revolve around Ezreal, Garen, Alistar, KogMaw and few others who received significant buffs in the game. Besides these buffs, some champions drew the short end of the stick. Kayne, Malphite, and Rakan got nerfed, and this might change the game’s meta slightly.
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Everything to know about the new 13.08 early patch notes

Image via League of Legends
A Riot Games insider posted on Twitter about the newest changes in the game and the reasons behind the changes:
“We landed on pretty known changes to nudge a few champions in and out of meta. We weren’t looking to take large swings and get surprise 100% champs Nerfs are targeted at SoloQ (barring Rakan & Malph). Pulled Zoe for larger work; no ETA on timeline though.”
1.Champion who received Buffs
- Base AD: 60 >>>62
- Base AD: 66 >>> 69
- Base Armor: 36 >>> 38
- R Duration: 7s >>> 8.55s
- P Damage: 125-550 >>> 140-650
- Q CD: 85 >>> 7s
- E Mana: 60-100 >>> 40-100
- E Slow: 20-52% >>> 30-50%
- W Damage: 70/100 /130/160 /190 >>> 80 / 110/140 / 170 / 200
- AP Ratio: 0.5 >>> 06
- E Decay Delay: 1.255 >>> 2.55
- Q Base Damage: 60 / 85 / 110/135 /160 >>> 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170
- W Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 45 / 80 / 115/150 / 185 >>> 55/90 / 125 / 160 /195
- Magic Damage: 45 / 80 / 115/150 / 185 >>> 55 / 90/125 / 160/195
- Monster Damage Cap: 50-150 >>> 70-150
- Monster Healing: 24-75 + 5.4% AP >>> 39-54 + 15% AP
- Champion Healing: 6-120 + 18% AP >>> 6-90 + 30% AP
- Base Armor: 28>>>32
- Armor Growth: 47 >>> 5
- Q Target HP Damage: 8% >>> 9%
- W Bonus Resistances: 10% >>> 12% (24% under 40% HP)
2. Champions that received Nerfs
Aurelion Sol
- HP Growth: 95 >>> 90
- AR Growth: 4.3 >>> 4
- AD Growth: 3.4 >>>3
- Q Damage: 90/130 /170/ 210 / 250 >>> 80 / 120/160 / 200 / 240
Kayn (Shadow)
- Shadow E CD: 85 >>> 9s
- Shadow E Bonus MS: 80% >>> 70%
- W First AA Base Dmg: 30-90 >>> 30-70
- W Cleave Armor Ratio: 20% >>> 15%
- Base Armor: 32 >>>30
- Armor Growth: 51>>> 4.9
3. Adjustment to the System
- Amp Tome will be replacing Ruby Crystal in build path. The combine cost will reduce from 850 to 815 (total unchanged).
- AP increased from 65 to 90.
League of Legends new patch 13.08 will go live next week on April 19, 2023. Besides that, Riot games is set to shake things up with Rank resets and Split 2. According to Riot players will have to restart from Iron and grind their way up to Gold and complete their goals. These changes are coming thick and fast, keeping in mind the MSI.