15 Year old Streamer goes viral for throwing a rave every time he gets a kill

15 Year old Streamer goes viral for throwing a rave every time he gets a kill

There have been streamers like DrDisrespect, TheSushiDragon, and Rickyexp who have kept one-upping each other in production quality. Joining the race to give their viewers a show, we have crossmauz.

A 15 year old streamer known by the alias of “crossmauz” on twitch has recently been going viral on the internet for throwing fire and laser-fueled raves every time he gets a kill in the game he’s playing.

crossmauz hails from Germany and has a ton of laser and pyro equipment which he uses to perform those said raves.

How the rave fueled streamer went viral

While crossmauz wasn’t very popular before, he received a ton of support after a Twitter user posted one of his clips after getting killed by him and discovering his twitch channel, clips of him shooting fire and giving his bedroom a full festival atmosphere garnered over 20 million views and thousands of comments with people expressing how blown away they were by the number of efforts this 15-year-old was putting.

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After the tweet went viral, We have seen his last VOD blow up with well over 320,000 views and the number continues to grow as people revisit his channel to see if he’s gone live.

YouTube video
YouTube: LaterClips

On top of the massive boost in views, crossmauz has also attracted over 100,000 new followers who want to see him stream again in all his glory. The number which was initially around 38000 has now skyrocketed to 146,000 if his SocialBlade stats are to be believed.

Socialblade stats for crozzmauz rave

Crossmauz’s reaction

Although crozzmauz does have an instagram and a twitter, he hasn’t responded to the massive growth that he has received from the internet and we are waiting with all our might to see what he might do next.

He has also not yet streamed on his channel again for which thousands of people are waiting and what he might come up with the next time

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