Best Harbor smoke for Mid Doors Ascent in Valorant

Harbor Agent in Valorant
Valorant’s Episode 5 Act 3 is finally out, and with it the new Indian agent Varun Batra, codenamed Harbor. As a supporting agent, Harbor is supposed to take up space in the map, making it more difficult for his enemies to move and in turn turning him into a nuisance to play against.
Since Harbor joins the severely understaffed controller category, his natural game is more on the defensive side, rather than taking on aggressive fragging, flashy gimmicks or attack-based gameplay. However, that does not mean that Harbor cannot absolutely contribute to the attacking side of the game.
His kit is also designed to allow him to go for maximum immobility to create a problem for his opponents and this can be used to good effect while taking up sites. Lineups for his cove ability can smoke off a vital point while attacking Site A, and in retrospect can be a game-changer that pushes Harbor into the S-tier of agents.
Also Read: Valorant Harbor Guide: Tips and Tricks to ace the new Controller
Howe to smoke Mid Doors on Ascent in Valorant

Harbor can buy his cove ability for 300 creds in the match, and every round gets only one charge out of it. This ability, therefore, becomes essential to try and get the best out of this ability so as to facilitate better entry into the site and allow for maximum place to be taken up as well as cover up the most crucial part while pushing onto the site.
Ideally, though, Harbor’s Cove should be used in combination with his High Tide to allow for better space occupation within the site before also using his Tidal Wave to secure a smoother and safer entry onto the site, taking better control of the surroundings.
Also Read: How to execute Harbor Wall on Icebox in Valorant
This lineup is most effective while executing an attack on Site B in ascent. Many a time, there remains behind a lurker, camping from the mid doors and market. To avoid being taken by surprise, stand near the small shrine at B entry and line up the cove ability parallelly to the second curve of the cloud. Jump throw this ability and it will land perfectly to cover mid-doors, making it far more difficult for the opponent players and forcing him to reposition.
This is a simple lineup to execute and can easily be learned in one or two attempts. So go ahead and check out this best-attacking lineup to smoke mid-doors in Ascent.
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