Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Classic mini-map returns to Gun Game mode

Modern Warfare 2's Gun Game mode revives the original Call of Duty mini-map by highlighting players with red dots whenever they fire their weapons.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Classic mini-map returns to Gun Game mode

Image Credits: Call of Duty

This week, the popular Gun Game mode for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was unveiled, and players have since discovered that it makes use of the game’s one and only vintage Call of Duty mini-map. For those who are unaware, Modern Warfare 2 only displays opponents as red dots while a UAV is operating and does not designate them as red dots on the map every time they shoot.

To the dismay of some Call of Duty gamers, this means that players cannot determine the precise location of their opponents when they fire from a weaponย without a silencer. Now, it appears that Modern Warfare 2 does include this traditional mini-map, but it only appears to be available in one game mode.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has the mini-map brought back, but just for Gun Game

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Image Credits: Xfire

When playing the Gun Game mode in Modern Warfare 2, players can see red dots on the mini-map anytime an enemy fires a bullet. It has been a contentious issue in the game because some fans want this mini-map to return to being the default mapย in Call of Duty games, while Infinity Ward claims that it doesn’t want to penalizeย players for just firingย their weapons.

Gun Game functions differently from a typical Modern Warfare 2 6v6 match, which may be the reason it has the traditional mini-map. The goal of a Gun Game match is to see who can run through all of the available weapons the quickest. Users are given a list of weaponry to use in order to kill their opponents.

Despite being included in previous Call of Duty games, Gun Game was most recently included in Modern Warfare 2 alongside Infected and Grind as part of Season 2 only. Grind and Gun Game now have their own playlists in Modern Warfare 2, and Activision last week introduced a unique playlist only for Infected.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Gun Game has returned to MW2 (Image Credits: Insider Gaming)

Additionally, Infinity Ward has stated that the Modern Warfare 2 game modes Drop Zone, All or Nothing, and One in the Chamber will be added in the middle of Season 2, providing players a range of game modes to experiment with. Even though Season 2 in Modern Warfare 2 adds a lot of content, it seems like the original mini-map will only be available in Gun Game, making it doubtful that any of these maps or modes will have it.

In case you missed it!