Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player spots a problem in Domination mode’s new Himmelmatt Expo map

An issue with the Domination game mode on the brand-new Himmelmatt Expo map for Season 2 Reloaded has been brought up by a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player spots a problem in Domination mode’s new Himmelmatt Expo map

The Himmelmatt Expo is a new addition to the game (Image Credits: Call of Duty)

A player of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has discovered that the Domination game mode on the brand-new Himmelmatt Expo may be having an issue.Now available across all platforms, Season 2 Reloaded for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 has brought some recognizable improvements to the games.

Activision has updated the Modern Warfare 2 game modes, and Himmelmatt Expo is an all-new map for the primary 6v6 playlist. Gamers can now access a Himmelmatt Expo-only playlist in the game if they want to play just on this brand-new Modern Warfare 2 map. Recently, one Call of Duty player brought up an issue with Domination’s functionality on the Himmelmatt Expo map.

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Domination Mode’s new map Himmelmatt Expo seems to have a problem in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player spots a problem in Domination mode's new Himmelmatt Expo map
Image Credits: Call of Duty

drdewd, a Reddit member, posted a picture of Himmelmatt Expo’s capture points while competing in Modern Warfare 2’s Domination game mode. The proximity of points A and B in the image, along with the position of C in the opposite corner, certainly leads to unfair spawns that favor the team that starts close to A.

When playing Domination, B is usually located dead-center of the map, making it the location most contested for. Rather than being at the other end of the map from C in this instance, B could be more suited to be situated where the player is located.

According to one player, teams spawn in B rather than C, making C the most preferred spot on the map. But, both teams will spawn adjacent to one another and point C will be too far from the others. This might not completely address the issue in Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player spots a problem in Domination mode's new Himmelmatt Expo map
Image Credits: Call of Duty/YT

The remainder of the comments are loaded with criticisms of Modern Warfare 2’s spawn locations in general. Some players feel Himmelmatt Expo is too large for the core playlist. A discussion about Himmelmatt Expo’s viability as a 6v6 map also took place.

In case you missed it!