DrDisrespect challenges Summit1g to iRacing showdown claiming it’d be “easy”

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Jaryd “Summit1g” Lazar dived into the world of simulator racing with one of the best sim-racing setups money could buy worth well over $7500 which contained the best equipment money could buy.
As he’s slowly been sliding back into the genre, he’s playing more and more iRacing on his stream these days and his tier 1 setup has piqued the interest of none other than the Doc himself, DrDisrespect.
DrDisrespect challenging Summit1g
In a recent tweet, DrDisrespect posted a picture from Summit1g’s stream with the caption, “I want a state-of-the-art racing rig ASAP,”. As it would seem, the Doc was pretty impressed by Summit’s setup.
The doc also added “This guy would get wiped… clean,” practically challenging Summit to an iRacing showdown.
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Will the Doc race?
It seems pretty apparent that DrDisrespect wants to get into the sim-racing scene and one can only imagine the kind of setup he might put together. We say sop because the Doc is very well known for going overboard with his setups and production quality.

Summit also recently opened up how he regrets the salty relationship he had with the doc in his initial days as an up-and-coming streamer which could maybe lead us to see the pair of “frenemies” get together for a couple of races.
It is still worth noting, however, that even though the Doc has settled his lawsuit with the Amazon-owned streaming platform, he is still now allowed to appear on streams on Twitch so there are obstacles to be overcome even before the race is confirmed.
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