DrDisrespect turns into an actual zombie during his “The Last of Us” playthrough!

DrDisrespect was seen playing the classic zombie story game taking a break from his regular competitive FPS shooters such as Apex Legends and Call of Duty.
In a shocking move, the doc was seen converting into a zombie during his playthrough and his audience went bonkers!
DrDisrespect turns into a zombie!
Herschel “Guy” Beahm IV, known to the world as DrDisrespect, the Two Time and full time flip phone user, had recently announced that he will be playing the classic Zombie Based post Apocalyptic story game, The Last Of Us, on his stream.

The game features tons of different types of zombies, some that will be very easy for you to kill, while others who would creep up on you and you’d have to keep an eye out for.
As for the doc, he seems to have settled into the game as if it were his second home. The two time finds no difficulty in killing the zombies and move ahead in the game as quick as he can.
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The self-proclaimed best gamer in the world started his playthrough of the Naughty Dog title on June 2nd and surprised everyone that was watching his stream on YouTube!

The OG Champ was in the middle of the game when suddenly, his stream went into the loading screen and fans thought there may have been a technical glitch of sorts.
Boy were they wrong! Very soon, the doc returned, but this time as a 6 ft 8 inch zombie with a hunched back and a deadly swing that could give the Walking Dead nightmares.

Fans have been pouring in praises towards DrDisrespect and thanking him for playing the game and letting them come on the journey with him as it was one of the most entertaining streams for the game they had ever seen.
The Doc is expected to finish his playthrough by June 3rd and we might even get to see him play part 2 of the series as he himself seems to be enjoying the game a lot!
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