How to complete the Caelid Catacombs quest in Elden Ring: Complete walkthrough
The Caelid Catacombs is an optional location in Elden Ring that players can explore for special items.

In Elden Ring, the Caelid Catacombs are located southeast of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. However, the entrance is at a much lower elevation. In order to get there, players need to take the road north of the cathedral. They can then follow it towards the southeast until they come to a cliffside.
At the end of the path, players will find the catacombs entrance waiting for them. On this path, players encounter Teardrop Scarab which drops a Somber Smithing Stone. If they find this, it’s a sign that they’re headed in the right direction.
Related: How to complete the Elden Ring Black Knife Catacombs quest: Complete walkthrough
Guide for the Caelid Catacombs in Elden Ring

Stepping inside, players will find themselves in a dark, foreboding world filled with scarlet rot pools and flowers. It’s essential for players to have Preserving Boluses in their inventory. Preserving Boluses prevent the rot buildup that can cause players’ health bars to decrease rapidly. To start exploring the catacombs, head down the first set of stairs and take the initial right turn. Along the way, players will come across a Grave Violet that they can collect before surveying the passage ahead.
In this area, there are three scarlet rot flowers that players need to take out to proceed. The scarlet rot water flowing through the center of the area is equally dangerous. It’s best to stay along the edges to minimize exposure. Players can collect the Grave Glovewort [4] and Root Resin in the area before moving on to the next passageway.
As players continue through the catacombs, they will encounter a large scarlet rot flower in the water. This flower can deal heavy damage to players. Its health is so significant that players will likely contract scarlet rot before they can defeat it. Once players feel ready to take on the floral foe, descend into the water and start whacking away at it. After taking it out, be sure to heal up and get rid of the scarlet rot if necessary.
In the southern corner of the room, players will find an Illusory Wall. Behind this wall, players will find a couple of Grave Gloveworts [5] and the Miranda Sprout Ashes. Collect these items before proceeding to the next area where players will find the Grave Glovewort [3] and [4] on the left wall. However, be careful of nearby spore patches that spit out scarlet rot pollen as they collect these items.
The iron doors area is a good spot for players to relieve the rot buildup. Although players will find some Root Resin here, they won’t be able to access the boss door room until they find the lever to open it. The good news is that it’s not far away. Head back to the scarlet rot water room and look for a suspicious-looking wall. Give it a thwack to reveal the lever they’re looking for. Pull it, and the iron doors will open, allowing players to proceed through them and down the stairs that lead to the mist gate that will take them to the Cemetery Shade boss fight.
Fighting the Cemetary Shade

The Cemetery Shade is a spectral creature in Elden Ring. It appears identical in form and strategy to the ones encountered in the Black Knife Catacombs and Tombsward Catacombs. It is equipped with fast-striking blades and immobilizing spit, making it a formidable opponent for any adventurer. Although it is vulnerable to melee damage, it is also capable of teleporting instantly and delivering swift strikes in a 3-phase combo, making it difficult to parry or fully block.
The Shade’s most dangerous move is its spit attack, which can immobilize players for a few seconds, leaving them open to its flurry of devastating blade attacks. To counter this, it is recommended to summon aggressive Spirits, such as the Lone Wolf Ashes. The summons can distract the Shade and draw its attention away from players, allowing them to deal heavy damage. It is also advisable to have a weapon with at least +6 to ensure that they can efficiently defeat the Shade.
Defeating the Cemetery Shade will earn players the Kindred of Rot Ashes. This is a valuable item in Elden Ring and can be used in battle.
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