Elden Ring Map Locations: Where to find all the fragments?
Map fragments are important items for players to collect in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring has one of the biggest open worlds in gaming history. The world of Elden Ring has been designed with incredible thought and detail in mind. From the vivid mountains of Limgrave to the fiery pits of Volcano Manor, each location feels lived-in and organic.
What sets Elden Ring apart from other open-world games is the player’s ability to explore the entirety of the world from the get-go. Some areas are still blocked off in the beginning. Despite that, players have much more freedom to explore in Elden Ring than in other games of its kind.
When players start their playthrough, the map is filled with blank spaces. However, in order to unlock these blank spaces on the map, players in the game have to find map fragments. These map fragments allow the player to get a view of the area on the in-game map. This enables players to precisely mark their destinations and decide how they want to explore the sprawling world of Elden Ring.
The map fragments are very important for the players as Elden Ring’s map is expansive. Having a clear idea of their locations allows players to easily backtrack to certain locations.
There are a total of 19 map fragments spread throughout Elden Ring. Most map fragments can be found on pillars that players can come across while exploring the open world. In this guide, players can find the locations of all the map fragments.
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All Elden Ring map locations
West Limgrave
The West Limgrave is one of the first map fragments players come across in their playthrough. The map fragment can easily be located on a body next to a pillar with text placed at the center of the camp in Gatehouse Ruins. Players can clear out the camp and secure the map fragment before collecting it. However, players can also summon Torrent and make a quick getaway with the map fragment.
East Limgrave
The East Limgrave map fragment can be found near the Third Church of Marika. Players can head south from the Third Church and travel along the road through the Mistwood. Players can easily spot a pillar on the side of the road and collect the map fragment.
Weeping Peninsula
The Weeping Peninsula map fragment can be found to the south of East Limgrave. Players can cross the Bridge of Sacrifice and stay on the same path. Players will pass a troll, a wrecked carriage, some dogs, and a merchant on this path. They can then make their way through a broken wall. The map fragment should be located in front of the player on the right side of the road.
In order to acquire the Caelid map fragment, players have to head east along the road from the Rotview Site of Grace. Players will pass a ruined cavern on this road before the road veers southward. The players will pass the Caelem Ruins, the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace, and the Caelid Waypoint ruins to come across a dragon. Riding past the dragon, players can find the Caelid map fragment at a fork in the road.
The Dragonbarrow map fragment is located near the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace. Players can travel east from the Rotview Balcony Site of Grace to pass a ruined caravan and some dogs. Heading further east, players will pass more dogs and come across a ravine. Cross the ravine and keep heading down the path. Eventually, players will find the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace. Along the eastern road from this Site of Grace, players can find the map pillar with the Dragonbarrow Map Fragment.
East Liurnia
Players can find the East Liurnia map fragment by heading east and then north from the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace. On this path, players will pass a soldier camp, until they arrive at the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace. Players can then follow the waterlogged road marked by walls and lanterns. Continuing on this road, players will find the map pillar on the right.
North Liurnia
The North Liurnia map fragment can be found near the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace. Players can head northwest from the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace. Eventually, players will come across the sunken academy gate town on their right. The journey to this map fragment is quite long, filled to the brim with enemies.
West Liurnia
In order to find the West Liurnia map fragment, players can follow a road that travels north up along West Liurnia. On this path, they will pass the Four Belfries, a caravan, and a military camp. Continuing on this path, players can find the map pillar past the Northern Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace.
Altus Plateau
In order to access the Altus Plateau in the first place, players are advised to collect 2 halves of the Dectus Medallion. Once players use the medallion, they can ride along the road that leads to the city walls. Eventually, players will arrive at a fork in the road. From there, they can go left and keep heading down this path to see a map pillar on the left side.
Mt. Gelmir
Mr. Gelmir is one of the trickiest areas in Elden Ring. This is because the main path in this location stops halfway through. The path leads west from the Bridge of Inquity Site of Grace. Players have to use the mountains to find the map fragment.
Heading West along the road, players will come across a ladder on the left side. Climbing the ladder and traveling further west, players will come across a soldier camp near a siege tower. At the far end of the soldier camp, players will find a pumpkin head. The pumpkin head has a rock extension behind it which players can use to jump to the next cliff.
Here, players will come across the Grafted Scion, a recurring mini-boss in the game. Players can dodge the Grafted Scion to avoid fighting him and climb the ladder behind it when they get the chance. Climbing up this ladder lead to another soldier camp at the top. Players can take the path to the left through the soldier cap and cross a bridge to the Site of Grace.
Players can then use the Spirit Spring that is located next to the Site of Grace to jump up to the boss crater. They can then head west towards the rocky outcrop and jump the gap. Arriving here, players will have to descend down the ladder and platforms to find the map pillar.
Leyndell, Royal Capital
The Leyndell map fragment is relatively easy to acquire. Heading up the stairway into the Royal Capital, players will come across two Tree Sentinels at the gate. Players can either defeat them or choose to run past them to come back to them later. Heading inside the gate, players will find a Site of Grace, with the map pillar to the side.
Siofra River
In order to acquire the Siofra River map fragment, players will have to move forward from the Siofra River Well. Players will then head up the lift and cross paths with a giant crab. Moving past the crab, players will come across the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. Heading east, players will find a body containing the map fragment on the steps of the Hallowhorn Grounds.
Deeproot Depths
Players can head northeast from the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace. Here, they will come across a structure. Inside the structure, players can find a body with a map fragment on it.
Mohgwyn Palace
The Mohgwyn Palace map fragment can be found near a broken statue. Players can climb down the hill on the right from the Palace Approach Grace. From here, go straight and land in the lake. Running along the left side of this lake takes the players to some ruins and a broken statue. Going up the stairs, players will come across a dead body that holds the map fragment.
Ainsel River
Players can head down from the tunnel from the Ainsel River Main Site of Grace. They will walk past coffins and eventually find themselves in an open cavern. From here, players can take the right path and come across another Site of Grace. Players can then enter through the door and use the elevator there.
When the elevator comes to a halt, move forward through the building. This leads players into another open cavern. Here, players will across a star beast. Players have to get into the room underneath the beat. In that room, players will find the map fragment on a body next to a merchant.
Lake of Rot
The Lake of Rot is one of the most dangerous areas in the game. As the name suggests, there is a lake full of Scarlet Rot, which builds up the Scarlet Rot Status Effect. However, the map fragment for the Lake of Rot is easy to find. The map fragment is found on a dead body that is right by the entrance of the Lake of Rot.
West Mountaintops of the Giants
Players arrive at the Mountaintops of the Giants by using the Grand Lift of Rold. From the lift, players can walk along the path. Eventually, they will come across a map pillar on the right side of this path.
East Mountaintops of the Giants
The East Mountaintops of the Giants map fragment is special in Elden Ring. This is because acquiring this map fragment also unlocks the Crumbling Farum Azula area on the map. Players can go south through the fort from the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace. After crossing the chain bridge and arriving at the Giants’ Gravepost Site of Grace, players can find the map pillar with the map fragment right next to them.
Consecrated Snowfield
In order to get to the Consecrated Snowfield, players have to use the Secret Haligtree Medallion and head to Haligtree Dungeon. From here, players can move along the road through the snowstorm. After emerging from the blizzard, players can find the map pillar near a frozen river.
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(2064 Articles Published)