FaZe Mew suspended from Faze Clan post s*xual assault accusations by AshtroNova

FaZe ‘Mew’ has been in talks all over Twitter right now regarding a huge controversy. In a 3000 word statement on Twitlonger, AshtroNova accused the Twitch streamer of s*xual assault. She wrote a huge message, describing all the events that took place and how she felt she had been taken advantage of. Post the incident, Mew has been banned indefinitely from the FaZe Clan, a decision which was mutually agreed by the streamer too, as he mentioned in a tweet, supporting the decision. Mew also stated that he has decided to take the matters in his own hands and will investigate it further on his own. Apparently, Ashtro was invited by Mew to a subathon he was holding. She wrote how he flew her from Texas and she also recorded a vlog, which never went up. After the subathon, it was going well until the creators decided to go out to a bar.
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AshtroNova shared her side of the encounter in a Twitlonger post
Trigger warning: Sexual abuse
Ashtro mentioned that it was fine until Kerry started buying her drinks. After she was substantially drunk, Mew kissed her, and she kissed him back. Allegedly, after a while though, he allegedly started groping her, that too pretty roughly. She claims she doesn’t remember much of what happened, but she was pretty sure that she was in their room and they might’ve had s*x, to which there was a possibility she had given consent.
She also mentioned how Mew started “love bombing” her after the incident, sending her flowers, chocolate, soft toys etc. Ashtro also said that he was very persuasive about making her agree that she was okay with the incident and gave him consent to do what they did. She was very frustrated with this behavior and finally snapped, deciding to post her story on Twitter.
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Twitter reacting to Faze Mew controversy
As can be expected from any such controversy, Twitter blew up with reactions from fans. Take a look at some of the things fans had to say to AshtroNova’s side of the incident.
Twitter did not stay silent and had its own share of comments and reactions. They talked about Ashtro’s bravery for coming forward and speaking about her incident. They supported her and offered to stand by her in these tough times. There was also a debate regarding how someone should be treated if they were invited by someone else to events like these.
However, it remains to be seen what comes out of FaZe’s investigation, as well as Mew’s own investigation.