FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps: Complete list of rewards!

FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps: Complete list of rewards!

FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps

FIFA 22’s latest promo has become one of the fan-favorites with many incredible cards up for grabs as well as great events. Here is the complete list of FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps rewards that can be redeemed through tokens.

The FUT Birthday is one of the best promo events in the game that appear yearly in the Month of March. This event celebrates the anniversary of the FUT game mode being introduced to the game. A full list of rewards and events have been started under the promo and players will be heavily rewarded if they participate. Team 1 for the event has already been released and also some SBCs that contain FUT Birthday player items.

Among them, the Swaps event has also returned and we take a look at the complete set of rewards in FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps.

FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps Reward pool

FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps
FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps

The Swaps event is a staple in the game since this edition and has been released as a part of many promos. The FUT Birthday has also acquired one and its features some great promo packs along with free player items.

Related: How to complete the FUT Birthday Rush Objectives in FIFA 22 to get a token?

The Swaps event is a simple and effective one that contains free rewards. Basically, players need to collect some free tokens by completing objectives or SBCs. These tokens in turn will be used to redeem some great rewards from the Swaps reward pool throughout the event.

The FIFA 22 FUT Birthday Swaps event has started releasing the tokens that the players can obtain in the game already. A total of 4 tokens have been released, and 20 more remain to be released in the coming days.

YouTube video
YouTube: runthefutmarket

The Swaps redeem section features 8 items up for grabs to the players. These include the following:

  • 2 tokens: Rare Players pack
  • 3 tokens: 6x 83-90 Players pack
  • 8 tokens: Cristian Ansaldi FUT Birthday
  • 10 token: Jean-Paul Boetius FUT Birthday
  • 10 token: FUT Birthday Team 1 item pack
  • 14 token: 7x 86+ Players Pack
  • 17 token: Ezequiel Avila FUT Birthday
  • 22 token: FUT Birthday Team 1 Player Pick (1 out of 3)

Players must keep an eye out for the tokens in the coming SBCs under the promo event.

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Also read: How to complete the FUT 12 SBC in FIFA 22?