How to complete the 85+ Triple Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 (16th March)?

85+ Triple Upgrade SBC
FIFA 22 has introduced some great Squad Building Challenges in the game that the players can complete. Here is how to complete the 85+ Triple Upgrade SBC in FIFA 2 to get some great player items.
FIFA 22 is currently holding the FUT Birthday promo event and many new SBCs and objectives are released under it. These SBCs are a great way for the players to get some promo packs or player items. Now is a great time for promo packs because Team 2 for the promo is now in packs and players have a rare chance of getting them.
Here is how to complete the new 85+ Triple Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22.
85+ Triple Upgrade SBC

This new Squad Building challenge is highly rated because of the chances of getting great player items.
Related: How to obtain the Oyarzabal FIFA 22 FUT Birthday player item?
The FIFA community flocks around great SBCs that offer a chance for great profit by completing them. This one is a great one to complete because of the reward pool and also the low cost of completion. This is a new single-task SBC that can be great for both beginners and veterans.
The requirements for the SBC are as follows:
- In Form Players: Minimum 1 (TOTW players)
- Squad Rating: Minimum 84
- Team Chemistry: Minimum 70
- 11 players in the squad
Players need approximately 54000-58000 FUT coins at most to complete this SBC from scratch. The cost can be significantly reduced using fodder from the inventory.
This will stay in the game for only 2 days more and is repeatable in nature. This means that players can complete it as many times as possible within the time limit. Upon completion, players will get an 85+ rare Players 3 Pack.
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