How to complete the 93+ TOTS and Shapeshifters Player Pick SBC in FIFA 22 (8th July)?

FIFA 22 has released some great Squad Building Challenges in the game for today that can be used to get a variety of reards. Here is how to complete the 93+ TOTS and Shapeshifters Player Pick SBC in FIFA 22 to get some great player items from the most recent promos.
The Shapeshifters promo event has been one of the most popular in the game currently with a variety of player items being released under it. Moreover, the TOTS or Team of the Season is also a great player promo with a variety of player items and more. These have some of the highest OVR ratings in the game and features some great players. Here is how to complete the 93+ TOTS and Shapeshifters Player Pick SBC in FIFA 22.
Related: How to complete the 81+ TOTW Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 (7th July)?
93+ TOTS and Shapeshifters Player Pick SBC

This new Squad Building Challenge is a great way for the players to obtain a player item from one of these most coveted promos. Both of them are great and will give out guaranteed amazing cards with high ratings.
The requirements to complete it are as follows:
86-Rated Squad
- Squad Rating: Minimum 86
- Team Chemistry: Minimum 60
- 11 players in the squad
- Reward: Prime Mixed Players Pack
88-Rated Squad
- Squad Rating: Minimum 88
- Team Chemistry: Minimum 50
- 11 players in the squad
- Reward: Premium Gold Players Pack
It will cost the players around 325000-382000 FUT coins to complete it each time. However, the cost is quite high and players will need to reduce a lot of the cost by using fodder from the player inventory.
It will be staying in the game for 3 more days and it is repeatable in nature and can be grinded. It will give the player 1 of 4 Team of the Season or Shapeshifters (Team 1, 2, 3) players rated 93 OVR or higher.
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Also read: How to complete the 85+ x5 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 today?