How to complete the Bundesliga TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22?
Bundesliga TOTS Challenge 1
FIFA 22 has finally revealed the new Bundesliga Team of the Season team players and accompanying them are many SBCs. Here is how to complete the Bundesliga TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22.
Bundesliga Team 1 for Team of the Season has been released into the packs and it is one of the best player rosters in the TOTS. The team features 15 player items and players can obtain them through the packs released in the FUT market. The promo event has been accompanied by some new SBCs and challenges that will give the players packs, player items, and also some Swaps tokens.
Here is how to complete the Bundesliga TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22.
Bundesliga TOTS Challenge 1 SBC
This is a new challenge under the TOTS promo event and falls under the Bundesliga TOTS promo event.
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Players will be able to get some decent packs and also some Swaps tokens for the new TOTS Swaps event. The Swaps event has some great Prime Moments Icon cards and players can redeem them for free using the Swaps tokens. The requirements for the SBC are as follows:
- Number of players from Bundesliga: Minimum 1
- Same League Count: Minimum 3
- Same Club Count: Maximum 2
- Rare: Minimum 2
- Gold Players: Minimum 9
- Team Chemistry: Minimum 85
- 11 players in the squad
It will be very cheap to complete and players will need to spend approximately 6900-8500 FUT coins to complete the task. Fodder is not required to use in this as they are quite cheap.
It will be staying in the game for 2 more days and it is non-repeatable in nature. It will reward the players with a Premium Gold players Pack and also the Starzynski FIFA 22 TOTS Swaps token.
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Also read: How to complete the TOTS Flash Challenge 5 SBC in FIFA 22?
Sudip Kumar Sahoo
(2833 Articles Published)