How to Complete the FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC (22nd August)?

How to Complete the FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC (22nd August)?

How to Complete the FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC (22nd August)?

The FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC is the one of the latest SBC unveilings by EA. Although it may be confused with the 93+ Nation Specific Icon Moments Player Pick SBC, this latest SBC introduced by EA is slightly different. The 93+ Nation Specific Icon Moments Player Pick SBC focuses on 1 out of 4 iconic players from specific nations which are France, Brazil or Netherlands rated 93 OVR or Higher. This includes players such as Pele, Henry and Rivaldo all being available for selection.

This SBC is not specified to these nations and refers to a slightly more general group of icons. The requirements to complete the Squad Building Challenge are a little more flexible. Have a look below to find out how to complete the 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC.

For more clarity: FIFA 22: How to Complete the 93+ Nation Specific Icon Moments Player Pick SBC (22nd August)?

Requirements to Complete the FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC

How to Complete the FIFA 22 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC (22nd August)?

As mentioned earlier, the requirements for completion of the 93+ Icon Moments Player Pick SBC in FIFA 22 start of a little lower than that of the 93+ Nation Specific Icon Moments Player Pick SBC. The requirements begin with a minimum requirement of an 89-rated squad exchange, with the Nation Specific Icon Moments Player Pick SBC requiring a minimum squad exchange of a 90-rated squad exchange. The following are the requirements to complete this SBC:

Also read: All About the FIFA 23 Pre-Season Event and Objectives!

89-Rated Squad Exchange

  • 11 total players
  • Minimum chemistry of 50
  • Minimum rating of 89
  • Minimum IF or TOTS: 1

Reward: 1 Prime Mixed Players Pack

90-Rated Squad Exchange

  • 11 total players
  • Minimum chemistry of 45
  • Minimum rating of 90

Reward: 1 Rare Gold Pack

91-Rated Squad Exchange

  • 11 total players
  • Minimum chemistry of 40
  • Minimum rating of 91
  • Minimum IF or TOTS: 1

Reward: 1 Premium Gold Players Pack

YouTube video

It is recommended to make use of players already present in your club for this SBC. If they are not tradeable, all the more reason to use those players as turning a profit with coins will never happen. With the fast approaching and anticipated release of FIFA 23, FUT 22 is being wrapped up and is in its last stages of promos.

The latest promo unveiled by FIFA is the Pre-Season Promo. The promo acts as a transitionary promo from FUT 22 to FUT 23, allowing the rewards earned from the event to be used in FUT 23.

Also read: All World Cup Hero Cards in FIFA 23 Revealed!