How to complete the Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

How to complete the Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC

FIFA 22 is gearing up for the Team of the Season event in the game and many new SBCs are making their way into the game. Here is how to complete the Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22.

FIFA 22 has some great challenges, Squad Building Challenges, and objective missions in the game and these are providing the players with great fodder. The Team of the Season event will require a lot of fodder due to the high price of the SBCs and player items that will be released under it. Beginner players must stock up on fodder to get the player items that they desire for the upcoming event.

Here is how to complete the Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 today.

Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC

Ligue 1 75+ x15 Upgrade SBC

This new SBC is exclusively for the Ligue 1 League of players in the game and players can save it for later as well.

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The Ligue 1 League is one of the Major Leagues in the game and features many great players with amazing performances this season. This new SBC will feature player items from this league only, and players can wait till the complete Ligue 1 TOTS has been released in the packs to have a chance to obtain them from the packs.

The requirements for the packs are as follows:

  • Squad Rating: Minimum 83
  • Team Chemistry: Minimum 45
  • 11 players in the squad
YouTube video
YouTube: Kingflipper

It will cost the players around 28000-31000 FUT coins to complete the SBC from scratch. However, the cost can be significantly reduced using fodder from the player inventory.

It will be staying in the game for 11 hours more and it is non-repeatable in nature. It will be rewarding the players with a pack of 15 Ligue 1 players rated 75+ OVR or higher as the group reward.

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