How to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22?

Premier League TOTS Challenge 1
FIFA 22 has released a ton of new content based around the Team of the Season promo event and these can give out quite the great rewards. Here is how to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22.
FIFA 22 Team of the Season has finally released the Premier League TOTS player items in the game and these can be obtained from packs. The Premier League contains some great player items and now they have also released some great events. The Challenges will feature very minimal single-task SBCs and also some decent rewards from the League that will be quite exclusive.
Here show to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 1 SBC in FIFA 22 today.
Premier League TOTS Challenge 1

This new SBC Has some great rewards for the players and has also started off by giving tokens for the TOTS Swaps event.
Related: How to complete the TOTS Flash Challenge 4 SBC in FIFA 22?
The Team of the Season has released a new team in the game and it is from the Premier League division of the game. The new event features new swaps tokens and also some new packs that can be used to get some great fodder. Moreover, the Swasp token must be collected to obtain the rewards from the event.
The requirements for the Premier League SBC are as follows:
- Number of players from Premier League: Minimum 1
- Same Club Count: maximum 3
- Gold Players: Minimum 1
- Rare: Exactly 11
- Squad Rating: Minimum 70
- Team Chemistry: Minimum 75
- 11 players in the squad
This will take the players approximately 6000-8500 FUT coins to complete from scratch. These costs can be reduced quite a bit by using fodder from the player inventory.
It will be staying in the game for 2 more days and it is non-repeatable in nature. It will reward the players with a Premium Electrum Players pack and also a Piwernetz TOTS Icon swaps token.
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Also read: How to get the Team Totems Kit in FIFA 22?