How to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 5 SBC in FIFA 22?

How to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 5 SBC in FIFA 22?

Premier League TOTS Challenge 5

FIFA 22 has introduced some daily SBCs in the game today that can be completed to obtain some great packs and items. Here is how to complete the new Premier League TOTS Challenge 5 SBC in FIFA 22.

Daily Squad Building Challenges are a treat for the players who want to acquire some fodder or player items for free without spending much in the game. These can either be single-tasks or smaller tasks that will cost less FUT coins. The TOTS promo especially has given rise to many SBCs that either feature player items or just kits. Today the game has some daily challenges that can give the players some Swap tokens.

Here is how to complete the Premier League TOTS Challenge 5 SBC in FIFA 22.

Premier League TOTS Challenge 5 SBC

Premier League TOTS Challenge 5
Premier League TOTS Challenge 5

This is a new single-task SBC that will cost the players very less coins to complete and has some great packs.

Related: How to get the Gustavo Hamer FIFA 22 TOTS Moments player item?

This new challenge SBC is from the Premier League Division and players can complete it to get a new pack. getting packs is great because players might be lucky and get free TOTS items from the packs. The current packs contain the Premier League, EFL, Community, and Eredivisie TOTS. The requirements for the SBC are as follows:

  • Leagues: Minimum 4
  • Nationalities: Maximum 5
  • Gold players: Minimum 9
  • Team Chemistry: Minimum 75
  • 11 players in the squad
YouTube video
YouTube: Kingflipper

It will cost the players around 5500-6000 FUT coins to complete. The cost is quite low and players should conserve their fodder instead of using them here.

It will be staying in the game for 2 days more and it is non-repeatable in nature. It will reward the players with a Premium Gold players pack as the group reward.

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