How to complete the Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

How to complete the Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC

FIFA 22 has released some great SBCs under the FUT TOTS Warm-up series and these are coming out regularly. Here is how to complete the Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22.

Many of the major Leagues of the game are being featured in the Warm-up Series of events as they are getting new SBCs and challenges. Today’s events feature the Serie A League extensively and will reward the players with player items from the league. Two new SBCs are introduced and these can give out player packs, that can either be saved up or opened right now for fodder.

Here is how to complete the Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22.

Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC

Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC
Serie A 81+ x11 Upgrade SBC

The Team of the Season event will be released in the game soon this week and many players are gearing up with resources.

Related: How to complete the Bundesliga Challenge SBC in FIFA 22?

The SBCs, challenges, and objectives introduced under the TOTS Warm-Up event are there to provide ample amounts of fodder for the player to use in the TOTS SBCs. This is because the SBCs under the event will be quite costly, and players might want to replenish their fodder inventory.

This upgrade SBC will give the players 11 players from the Serie A League only and the requirements for the task are:

  • Squad Rating: Minimum 83
  • Team Chemistry: Minimum 55
  • 11 players in the squad
YouTube video
YouTube: VirgilDanDijk

It will take the players approximately 21000-23000 FUT coins to complete from scratch. However, the cost can be reduced even more using fodder.

It will be staying in the game for 2 more days only and it is non-repeatable in nature. This will reward the players with 11 Serie A Players rated 81+ OVR or higher.

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Also read: FIFA 22 Icon Swaps 3: Full list of rewards!